What happened to Elemental chest loot?

And as you can see in mrocks table, he also got nothing in his last two elemental chests. Before mid of February, he always got at least one non-farmable item. That’s why some of us assume that the loot was nerfed.

Believe it or not.


I got two non-farmable items from last four chests. Two with nothing and two with one item (one of them compass I have plenty). In fact it became such a source of disappointment, I’m not looking forward to opening it anymore.


We all know its been nerfed since the patch after xmas, i just found it hard to believe that you would get only a compass out of 4 chests. Guess i misread what you said, but regardless of the nerf they still are a good source for ascension items and the best way to spend gems. Would you rather spend 300 a pop on a roll for a 3* hero you will probably get or something along those lines? We all do it from time to time but the majority of your gems should be spent on faster chest respawns for elemental chests.

Is this proven or just a repeated saying? I ask because while I’ve never used gems to skip time on chests I was still able to fill raid chests every 14 hours and monster chests just as frequently. I gave up the effort after going 3 weeks straight at that pace and getting not a single elemental chest.

I did get two elemental chests in March without nearly as much effort at getting through the chests. Perhaps it was a glitch on my end but my experience had not been that elemental chests occur after a certain number of chests or anything of the sort. If it’s going to be entirely random how can you advocate for spending gems on the acceleration?

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I mean at the end of the day these chests are governed by RNG like all else here. My RNG just falls in a range for some reason.

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I would have to say its proven. Look at mrock post, he gets about one more chest then me per month and also spends gems to speed up the respawn timer. He probably does at least 4 chests or so a day on each of them while i average 3 a day. That equals more rolls on ascension items no matter how you spin it and in return will yield more ascension items per month.

I got a dark chest last night, as an FYI. 33 total chests, 10 days time elapsed. Right in my range of when they happen (which is about 30-50 with a rare outlier earlier or later. Been tracking for 4+ months.


I do 2 monster and 2 hero chests every day, and have had 3 elemental chests so far this year. Totalling 2 non-farmable ascension items (gloves and compass iirc). Now that’s a bad streak.

I got some good stuff from my ice chest. I was nicely surprised… :wilted_flower::v::sunglasses:

Here’s something you may like to know, (maybe you do already know) the Rare Quests have been on a set 10 day schedule since the beginning of March. (No official report, just observed)

Does this set 10 day schedule appeal to you? It’s definitely something you can count on.

What if I told you that it’s actually a nerf to frequency? We used to get two in a span of a few days or have stretches of 13 days between them. They tried to average it out to one every 7 days but RNG made it sometimes longer or shorter.

Now how do we feel about it? Does the set schedule outweight the negative feeling of RNG even if it’s less frequent?

SG doesn’t seem to want to set things on a sliding scale, which I believe they should (Especially for HOTM) to keep those unusually unlucky people happier. Slightly increasing your odds of rare items, heroes, etc as you go longer spans without them. Just food for thought, I don’t know if I like set schedules or RNG better, but something in between.


I filled my fire chest today, got 3 daily tokens, 1 trainer, alliance flask, 30 gems and the only good thing is a tonic. I feel very disappointed.

I’m assuming that’s sarcasm…

Not really. I know, the tonic is good, but 30 gems and 3 daily tokens? Its just crap. I don’t really know how did SG calculate these drops. Those chests having rare tokens are likely have small amount of gems, and chests with (not so) many gems have only daily tokens. Ok that would be fair, but how can be 30 gems on par with an epic token? Its worth 1/10 of it.

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The best part of the chest is the ascension items, particularly the 4 star items. I"d gladly trade you a whole 10x epic pull for that tonic. Gems and tokens come a ton of sources, that tonic does not.

If my next chest gave me ONLY a Tonic, I’d take that every time


You must be playing longer time than I am, so I tend to believe you. But as a relatively new player (playing since late January) a tonic has not much value to me since i got only Quintus as 5* (and cannot ascend him due to the lack of trap tools). So in this stage of the game, where i want to get better heroes some tokens seems more precious than a tonic which will sit in the inventory till I get a hero who could use it.

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That’s taking a very short term view - the tokens and gems come from many other sources. Even if you don’t need the ascension items now, you will and you’ll be glad if you started stockpiling them now. They are literally the hardest thing in the game to get.


I just finished a fire chest and was pleasantly surprised.

You will read all over the forum about these ascension materials (mostly people complaining cuz they don’t have them). If you get them early on it will help. It took me a while to figure out what all this was for.

@Dante2377 is a great source of information. He always explains and he will definitely steer you in the right direction.

Got trap tools a D blade epic sommon, epic troop summon, daily summon, and some gems. Plus a couple other things. Was nice to see something good from a chest. But I will take all the free stuff they want to give me!


My last several (4 or 5) Elemental Chests were much, much poorer than the ones I’ve been getting at the start (started in August).

Coincidence? Perhaps. But unlikely. It’s been pretty disappointing and it’s pretty suspicious through that.

Generally I haven’t seen a 4* ascension item since December. The only ones I got came from rare quests. Then again, I’ve been running TC20 since end of December (I believe) and soon after I got two of them running. Only got Leonidas in all that time. It’s April.

I think the game simply hates me :disappointed_relieved:

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No, the chests have been downgraded since last summer for sure. They used to only have non-farmable ascension items and gold tokens. Somewhere around winter-ish they added the 3* farmables (chainmail, tall boots, scabbard, battle manual) and silver tokens into them.


Sounds very consistent with my experience. And saddening, since that was something to be excited about and now it’s definitely on the ‘meh’ side. No bueno.

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