What are the raid attacks based on?

In a raid, how are the defense teams attacks calculated? Recently it seems that my opponents are doing multiple hundreds of damage per attack while my players are only doing between 60 and 100 damage per attack. I get that I’m supposed to lose most of them, but I have won 1 in the last 50 as shown in my watchtower. Including a couple teams of mostly the same heroes I have, even though mine were ascended higher.

I don’t understand the raid system myself. We have all been discussing it in the alliance today. It feels like we are all losing the majority of raids recently. We have also seen much much weaker teams by 400+ points winning against teams of stronger heroes. Our trophy count is constantly moving by the 100s over two or three days. The only thing that keeps us going is the reward chest, and the prize count seems to be getting less too.

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In raids defenders have +20% attack buff.
How look your raid team? Are you using rainbow? If yes, this is why you deal only 60-100 by tiles.

Raiding system doesn’t take Team Power into consideration when matching you with your next enemy. Whenever you re-roll for an opponent, the system randomly chooses on in a 600 cup range form your current cups (-300 to +300). The sum of the cups at stake is always 61. So, if you attack a player that has significantly less cups than you, regardless of his TP you will get a cup ratio like 15/46 or 12/49 (the sum is always 61). This is not recommended because, even if you win the fight, the enemy has the revenge option and he will probably take his cups back and a lot more. On the other hand, you attack a player that has significantly more cups than you have you will get a much better cup ratio, like 46/15 or 49/12 (the sum is still always 61). The more you get closer to attacking players that are in the same cup range as you are, the ratio will get closer to 30/30. 30/30 cup ratio will happen only if you attack a player that has exactly the same number of cups as you do.
This way, team power is meaningless when raid system matches you with your next enemy. Only cup numbers matter.
Also Team Power means little on the battlefield. The attacker has lots of advantages over the defender. The attacker gets to chose the heroes he will use against a specific defense line. The attacker has the option of stacking strong color heroes against the enemy tank, thus, taking it out in only two or three moves on a lucky board. Taking out the tank early wins half the raid. Also by stacking same color heroes, the attacker will have two or three specials charging at the same time and unleashing a devastating attack against the defense. And the attacker also has the advantage of choosing the precise moment when to use the specials skills to inflict the most damage or negative effects. This is why your defense is taken out by teams 400 TP lower.
Actually, for a player with a deep enough roster, there are no strong defenses. The only reason you will loose a well prepared raid against any defense is a bad board… And this is why nobody ever is able to hold on to the cups earned while attacking…


Try putting 5 heroes of the same color in your lineup against the opposing tank is weak against.

Test it out and let us know your results.

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My default is rainbow, but it changes based on the opponent. If they have multiple of one color, I usually replace my weak colors with strong ones.
In the raids, each opponent has a counter, and when the counter gets to 1, that opponent attacks. I’m curious what that attack is based on.

I honestly don’t pay much attention to the cups. As far as I can see, the cups only affect the loot from the chests. When I use the re-roll, I’m looking first at the team to see what strengths they have and if I have players who can counter them. The only loot I look at is the available food and iron counts. That is the most helpful to me, at least until I build stronger players.
In the raids, each opponent has a counter, and when the counter gets to 1, that opponent attacks. I’m curious what that attack is based on.

I usually will counter their team with strong colors, but I’ve never attacked with all one color. I’ll try and reply, but I’m not very optimistic. When I send tiles for a hero I don’t have, it says “hero missing” and doesn’t seem to do any damage.
In the raids, each opponent has a counter, and when the counter gets to 1, that opponent attacks. I’m curious what that attack is based on.

this thread will explain in pain staking detail how damage calculation for the entire game. The formula is always the same in titans, raids, defense, offense, war, etc

There are some factors to consider

  1. the defender gets an additional 20% boost to its defense stat, which when you understand the damage formula, you understand that your tiles and special do less damage on offense then defense.
    SO basically if you have a hero and attack the same hero, you do slightly less normal damage to it then it can do to you. The same is true for the special attacks.

  2. Most people will color stack on offense… which when you understand the damage calculation, makes total sense. So 3 blue and 2 yellow or 5 of one color or 2 blue 2 red 1 green. This significantly increases the tile damage of whatever color you stack. The increase is exponential which is why color stacking does much more damage.


OK, I’m not experienced enough to know all the heroes names, but I found a player with 3 yellow including the tank. I played against with all purple twice, and changes to rainbow the third. I lost all battles and rematches, but was at least able to knock out a couple with the rainbow. I couldn’t get purple tiles to save my life…

If you can show your team against the opposing lineup would be good.

Mono color stacking is a high risk high reward style of play.