What are the odds when summoning heroes?

Maybe. But think of it as a gambling slot machine if you notice they add a lot of money in the Machine at once when they start gambling and continuously pull it The lever. They do that for a reason. The odds of the slot Machine hitting big is higher cause it’s too busy trying to spit out the results and keep up with the pulls

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I think you’re wrong in this case. But feel free to do some testing and post the results :slight_smile:

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Translation: I pay the money and do not get the required thing from the epic or substantial withdrawal and I spent money on this thing

If I didnt spend my $2k into this game, I would easily leave the game but now I can’t cuz I invested so much money into this game. If I leave the game, all money I poured in it becomes pointless. Now I am stuck.

I would recommend new players to not be in rush in this game since this is time consuming game to progress your empire. Be patient and do not spend money if possible. Keep collecting food and irons and upgrade buildings. When you hit TC20, you will eventually get 5* heroes and by that time, you will have enough or required amount of ascend items for your 4* 5* heroes. If you got fun get bored out of this game, then you can leave this game as a F2P player.

Serious, If E&P offers to erase all my process and ask to leave the game for having refund all my money I’ve spent in here, I would love to accept that offer…

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Because, so far, odss are crappy. Spending money is not worth it, wich is the worse you can say about people trying to make money with the game they developed. Makes you wonder what kind of people do nothing to keep their income. Up to them, anyway.

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Duplicate heros arent always a bad thing either.

I wouldnt mind having 3xBoldtusks and 3xKirils for alliance wars, you can ascend them to 3.60 without needing any unfarmable items.

But thats my point of view and I like to collect stuff haha! :slight_smile:


It would be awesome if people could trade.

Your money isn’t coming back.

The developers should feel sadness when they read this. We all probably should. Sans your financial situation it’s hard to gauge exactly how “bad” this is. But it certainly represents the hopes of the game developers when they created this game. That users would see fit to not just spend a large sum of money on the game. But to throw exorbitant amounts of cash at the screen.

So. I suppose they’ll chalk it up to a job well done?

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In my experience, a typical f2p user will not reach the top - lets say ascended 12 5* heroes - in a year. Probably not even in two.
I’ve been playing this game for over 9 months, level 39, and granted I didn’t do any 7*+ titans (something true to many players). I don’t have enough mats to level two of my three 5* - out of nine months playing. For 12 5*…
And that is not even counting with HOTMs (have none - and all my 5* and half my 4* came out of TC20).

This game is very much RNG based - including (and specially) the heroes. So when you buy something, most of the time you are just gambling.

I’m not really complaining - the game is interesting - just not (IMHO - YMMV) worth spending money on for the most cases (I’ve spent a little occasionally) - but to each its own.

And, btw, you do have a rather restrictive vision of P2W. Any f2p game that sells things that are not purely cosmetic is P2W - which is ok, or not so ok, depending on the advantage that spending money gives the buyer. In this game, with so much RNG, it is hidden/has a smaller impact. You can be “competitive” (whatever that means, to me is that one can have fun) in the game without paying, and that makes it low on my p2w scale.


I have my fair share of 5* heroes i have pulled so i can’t really complain about my lack of 5* heroes. Now if were discussing 4* troops my luck is TERRIBLE. I know for a FACT i have done far more 3*/4* troop pulls then Epic/Legendary hero pulls and i have ONE 4* troop…ONE in damn near year played. :cry:

And that is exactly why these games exist…Because people like yourself who spend hundreds or thousands of dollars / pounds / euro’s…And for what?
Next week they decide to pull the plug and you are left with no game an they are feasting on your and others money on the bahama’s.
I would never ever spend money on these games.

First of all they are not worth it, too many bugs, unresponsive customer support, they can stop running the game whenever they want.
Second of all, power ups, special items, coins whatever you call them are so ridiculously expensive, it really is a joke.

Why not buy a PS4, Xbox and buy games and play those.
They will be forever yours and once you paid for them you have basicly unlocked the full potential of the game.

Google Play store is a money racket with 1000’s of games that ain’t worth a penny to pay for.

I play this game well over a year now and it is still so full of bugs and bad programming…How can you even think of rewarding the devs with your hard earned cash.
I play for free and that’s all there is to it.

Think wisely before you spend cash on a P2W game again.

I have seen people lose their house, car, marriage on those so called free casino games where they spend thousands on coin packs. It is quite sad to see.

It’s a dirty world, these so called free to play games.

Just my 2 cents.


I hope that some of the devs take a little look at this thread. I’ll no longer spend a dime on this game.

Really sad.


I think it is rather amusing the amount of money that some freemiums games ask and looking to what they offer in return. For 10USD/€/… you can buy a two to three year old AAA PC game. For 50 you buy a recent AAA game.

A quick hop to Steam is an eye opener…


I pretty much agree with what you have said, i myself have spent $70 on this game in the last year or so and the only thing more they see now is $$ i earn for doing silly gimmick questionnaires for google play account. The communication from these developers is a complete joke to say the least.

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You pointed out so well!

At the same time, someone doing the 10 times pull got 10 3*.

I have a mate in the alliance that at level 12ish got a 5* hero and the HOTM from a single pull - the third or so he ever did.

That is RNG.

This seems to be a recurring theme, where players think they have been cheated because they have this expectation that just because they put money into the game they should be receiving the best of what the game has to offer. If the concern is about “fairness”, based on that logic, only players who spend a lot of money should be getting the higher valued items and heroes, those who don’t spend as much should only get the minimum and those who don’t spend anything get nothing. The real issue is about the “have” and “have nots”, those who have what is considered valuable in terms of heroes don’t complain about fairness and those who don’t have what they consider is valuable complain because they think it’s unfair that they don’t have it. What needs to be understood, when it comes down to it, regardless of whether or not you pay to play or don’t pay at all, ultimately we all have the same chances.

That’s exactly right,
we are playing a Pay to Lose game.

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I was about to write a wall of text, but just do a simple exercice: whenever there is “money” in your text, just replace it by “time”.

Then get back to the debate.

The middle point you’re looking for is called the TC20. If you want to play this game for free, take your time, build two TC20’s, make them to legendary training 24/7 and lo and behold: a slow trickle of 5* heroes. About one every three weeks on average, if you’re working 2 of them.

Epic summons odds unfair? The only thing that I think is frankly unfair about them is that they are not disclosed, they are not exactly known to us. That, to me, is unfair. Are we talking 2%, 0,2%? Are the odds always the same, as I presume? Or are they at times changed for whatever reason, as others have theorized?

“Worth spending money on”. Interesting point. I can dissect that into two things: Caveat Emptor and Don’t spend what you’re not willing to part with.

Caveat Emptor: Look before you buy. Realize that your odds for a 5* or HOTM are ■■■■ poor. That’s primarily your responsibility. And part SG’s: be open about them odds so we can properly assess the value proposition.

Don’t spend what you’re not willing to part with. Keep yourself on a budget and stick to it, you have a spine now use it. That’s primarily your responsibility. And part SG’s, they’re operating the game in such a way as to consciously and unconsciously pulling all your strings to spend more. Which is allowed, but doing it while not being fully open about your value proposition (odds), well… I do expect that sometime in the near future that business won’t be considered adequately ethical. In games of chance, there is a responsibility to protect the consumer against themselves. The call to that responsibility is growing.