What are the odds of beating shrikewood

Hey all,

Wondering your thoughts on my chances of beating Shrikewood with this roster? I’m trying to decide whether I risk not finishing advanced Morlovia. I’m pretty sure I can at least finish it. Shrikewood looks daunting but…

Any help is appreciated.

Off course change li xyu for brienne

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Take some hefty battle items.

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Take arrows, axes, bombs and dragons attack.
Team: Cead-Cyprian-Kiril-Rigard-LiXiu(or Wu kong)
Tactic: keep alive many heroes as you can, charge them before boss, use items and specials on bosses

Sounds good so far. Have lots of those items. Reckon I’ll be able to finish Morlovia as well?

Kk… usually i have scarlette in tgat spot for rainbow purposes… whats the reasoning for li xiu if you dont mind me asking?

My guess for suggesting Li Xiu instead of Wu is a matter of durability on multi-level stages. Your Scarlett could go in as well in that spot or for Rigard. Wu and Scarlett are both squishy but a Rigard that weak is squishy too. Make sure to bring plenty of health and mana. Getting a shield is definitely achievable, good luck on the tonic.

You will not be able to make it all the way through Morlovia. I made it all the way through with a 3750TP team and the last stage took a full load of time stops. Choose a level on Morlovia that you want to reach and go for it.

Shrikewood is all green. Double reds instead of purple and you should be able to finish it


Sounds good. My eye is on the orb.

LiXiu is hard and hee mana drain is good for bosses.
I finish sand empire(something like morlovia in summer) with 3000-3100 team power, but i have merlin :confused:
But you should try :slight_smile:

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I’ll be honest and say, given your underlevelled team, I’m not sure about your chances right now for Shrikewood in the absence of crazy battle items or good luck - - but in future if you focus on maxing Rigard and Kiril that will go a long way towards beating these rare quests.

That doesn’t mean you can’t try of course (I failed so many times at the start but that is how I learned) - and sometimes you just luck out.

Some people use the trick of gems to finish off a hard level as a way to get rare asc mats for a good price. I reckon you might have a good shot of the penultimate level ie getting the shield

Take Kiril, Colen, Scarlett, Caedmon and Rigard. Should walk right through it

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Or sub Wu for rigard

I’ve got some good battle items. Any suggestions on which would help? I’m pretty sure mana for wu… axes, dragons etc. But always open to new ideas

Timestops can also help for bossstage if you have 5. I’m pretty sure you can beat shrike with the right tactic. It’s important that you mana up all heroes before you go into last stage (without items of course) and preferably have 1-2 diamonds on the board.

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Yeah probably mana pots but perhaps if you can afford timestops for the final boss (of the final level) as @Maaeetz said . One slot for health pots maybe.

If you are stacking red maybe tornado to change the board and refill mana but tornadoes and timestops are expensive/precious items and I wouldn’t use those unless I am 90% sure I can finish.

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It does seem as though I’m the only doomsayer here! Maybe I’m just too negative :joy:

I finished my first rare quest with around 2300 power. Used 75 gems but I felt it was worth it. That’s why I want to motivate ppl to try :wink:


You got it. Stack your red and make smart moves with the board. It’s a little luck mixed with strategy. A few timed items to help along.

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I think I was around 2500 for mine.