What am I doing wrong?- Where are my Elemental chests?

For me it’s around 8 days with full skipping and around 2 weeks without.
But I do chests whenever they are ready.
Sleeping is overrated.

Ha! Yeah, I don’t sleep nearly enough. It’s kind of a chicken or the egg thing for me though. I was never a good sleeper to begin with. This game sure doesn’t help though, that much I can say with certainty!

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@RandaPanduh, I was looking for the official statement from SG what has to be in what chest but could not find it. Can you send it, please so that I can share it with my alliance mates?

As far as I know, SG hasn’t released anything like that. They don’t usually. They haven’t released the odds for Training Camps, anything regarding specific loot tiers for titans like IX (and how many mat rolls they have), specific mat rolls in elementals, or anything of the sort. That doesn’t mean the community hasn’t figured it out; a lot has been discovered, through months of tracking, by the playerbase. Idk why SG doesn’t just release this stuff, but that’s what the community here is for. To figure it out since SG doesn’t tell us :blush:

I guarantee that’s how every elemental works. If you still aren’t sure, I’d check out the several threads with people who have been tracking elementals for well over a year. They all look similar, with the exact mat rolls as listed below. & I just got one yesterday, so the order with designated slots in elementals is [including emblems] exactly:

  • Crafting Item (4*) (1)
  • Ascension Material (3*+) (1)
  • Ascension Material (3*+) (1)
  • Battle Item (3*+) (1)
  • Gems (~20-50)
  • Token (Summons, ETT or EHT) (1)
  • Token (Summons, ETT, or EHT) (1)
  • Token (Summons, ETT or EHT) (1)
  • Emblems (~3-50)
  • Flask (WE, Raid or Titan) (1)
  • Trainer Hero (1*+) (1)
  • Atlantis Coin (~3-30)

So basically every elemental has 12 slots. The type of item it is, and the quantity, change every time. The loot roll slots don’t.


One thing I have noticed, both in this alliance (almost two months now) and my previous one ( over three months there) that several of us will get elemental chests all in the same day or two. This pattern has repeated itself several times now, but it’s usually different members.

Then it may be several days, or weeks until anyone gets one at all.

Anyone else noticing that?

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So your statement was not based on official content? Why are you were so sure that my loots were incorrect?

Because I have never seen or heard of an elemental not having designated slots. They’re always the same slots, with varying contents. They’ve been that way for a very long time; only thing that’s changed has been adding more slots to keep up with the times (adding Atlantis coin slots, then emblem slots). Just like how loot tier IX always has three mat roll slots, elementals always have those slots I’ve provided above.

If you have a photo of this elemental (or any other one) that differs from the slots that I’ve provided above, I’d be happy to say I’m wrong. Or, to understand where this confusion may lie. But through all of the tracking this community has done, and from my own personal experience, I’m very confident in saying they will all be set up the same way, just with varying contents.

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So elemental chests appear now in raid chest,witch its kinda stupid cause u kill monster and not other players defence,its a tricky move from smallgiant to milk more money cause now u have only 6/6 energy and if u wanna reroll it faster so u get more elementals u must constantly BUY raid potions.plus the loot is so poor. Sry for my english i hope u understand what im saying here…

So you wanna kill 100 heroes instead? Lol

No im not saying that i mean even if u skip the time in raid quests in order to have more frequent elemental chests u have to buy raid potions to complete them so thats more money for them instead how it was before

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elemental chest can appear in ALL slots. they aren’t in the same one continuously

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I’ve seen many people post that the elemental chest must be filled by monsters of that element. This is incorrect. Heroes of the same element killed during raids also count. Or at least, they did the last time I had a chest. It is possible this has changed. I am (unfortunately) unable to test it right now. I have heard that heroes the the matching element killed during a war do NOT count, though I have never tested that one way or another.

@CheTranqui, I’d suggest modifying the language in your wiki.


You’re right. Heroes in Raid battles also count there :wink:


One thing about filling monster chests. I agree that 8-7 is the best and quickest all around, but it is not the most efficient with your world energy. Mai’s Guide was made before 8-7 got nerfed from 12-15 wave mobs + 2 bosses to 9-12 + 2. You will never see 5 mobs in an 8-7 wave, I have done thousands between two accounts. 7-4 is actually a 12-15 + 2 level. You can save 3 world energy filling a monster chest quicker by doing 7-4. You still get backpacks, but fewer recruits.

Now that we have new things to do (Trials) with our world energy, this might be a change some people will want to consider from time to time.


Wow! That’s goofy!

While I’ll definitely go in and make that note, I’d love it if you, and those who know such intricacies, would join us in editing the wiki. It’s not my wiki. It’s a public wiki, explicitly built with the purpose of being widely accessible and widely editable. Join the Fandom community, click that edit button and modify that sentence! :slight_smile:


Noted! I don’t consider myself a player who knows such intricacies, but I will keep this in mind the next time I feel I can help.

This one I really only stumbled upon because I once had an elemental chest and because curious if heroes counted. I was particularly interested because, if the answer was yes, I could pop open the chest by winning two raids (or at least killing the relevant hero in each) instead of waiting for more world energy.


Same color titans also tick the elemental chest when defeated.

I was looking for this today and remembered you had posted it recently. It took me a while to find it - thank you for this information!

One change I’d suggest: I did an elemental chest today and received loot tickets, in a slot between the last token and the emblems. I do have screen grabs, though from looking at other posts it appears this is standard. Seems it is actually THIRTEEN slots then.

Oops, loot tickets were supposed to be in there, but I was adding emblems in and must have erased it. Sorry, it should be:

  • Crafting Item (4*)
  • Ascension Material (3*+)
  • Ascension Material (3*+)
  • Battle Item (3*+)
  • Gems (20-50)
  • Token (Summons, ETT or EHT)
  • Token (Summons, ETT or EHT)
  • Token (Summons, ETT or EHT)
  • Loot Ticket (3-6)
  • Emblems (3-50)
  • Flask (World Energy, Raid or Titan)
  • Trainer Hero (1*+)
  • Atlantis Coin (3-30)

Edit: It was in my first version of this list above, but not in the one you’re referring to. This one would be the most accurate


I think that’s just you @Rook. The thing I usually do is skip the raid chest; yeah it takes longer to fill but the rewards are better than the 100 monster chest.

Also if you get an elemental chest instead of the raid one, you can fill it up alongside the 100 monster chest. So that’s a bonus thing too.

Usually I get 1 elemental chest once a month… that’s the average for me, not what will happen though. I got absolutely no elemental chests throughout November or December, but I got THREE in January (Dark, Red and Green!). I should clarify, I got three on separate occassions, not all at the same time; I don’t think the latter is possible… or at least I haven’t seen that happen.