Well thanks for making this decision easy for me

Wait, what?! :sob::sob::sob:

Hey now, more than one person feels otherwise. Please don’t let one person bring you down.

You my friend are appreciated - today and always :heavy_heart_exclamation: Not many can say that :hugs:


Lately… half my posts, I get hateful replies. The other half get “hidden by community flags” or whatever. It’s Deja Vu all over again. :laughing: This same thing happened to me on here several months back, and I took a several month break. Returned to find a friendlier atmosphere, until it wasn’t. Again.

Not saying I’ll never return. But the way it’s going right now? I have nothing to say. At least, nothing I can say that won’t be shouted down, or reported, or whatever. This is the internet after all: I am used to it. No hard feelings. It is what it is. A bunch of people shouting at each other, spreading false information and accomplishing absolutely nothing. :man_shrugging:

At least there are a few cool people here. Or, were anyway. Many of them are gone now. Still a few of you left. But I fear the ratio is beginning to tip into the wrong direction, and… well… I don’t think I want to go down with the ship.

EDIT: There is a reason why I named my alliance “The Ghost Ship”. Already drowned on a sinking ship. Been “undead” ever since.


I’m sorry about that. We obviously don’t lurk the same threads anymore.

I wish you an infinite amount of blessings in whatever you put your energies into. Take care my friend, you were one of the first friendly / cool people I encountered when I tripped into the rabbit hole that is the forum.

Take care :hugs:


No rules against incessantly, but non-indentifiably, meme-ing their idiocy with just enough context for them to get it, but not enough for anyone else to follow - you know, so they know that you know who they are. And then they get to read lots of comments from others about how ridiculous some “anonymous” person is acting. Childish? Sure. Satisfying? Yep.

On a more official route, I’m pretty sure the mods can see who triggers each flag, if someone is just following you around the forum flagging everything you post, that sounds like a clear instance when a mod needs to intervene. I’ve seen a few heated exchanges where it looks like each party is flagging each other back-and-forth out of spite, but usually that just stays within the thread/conversation. If someone is targeting you across the board, then they need a visit from a mod in my opinion.

Well for the time being, I hope the meme thread will be one of your ongoing haunts, your pictographical commentary and insight is always appreciated around there.

wha? well p!ss on them, there is a pro-TGW group too

Maybe, technically, but I think most of us could care less about that most of the time (and most of us are guilty as well), and it would be a shame to give up your drivers license over a few parking tickets. I think one of the best ways to deal with a troll is to keep on keepin’ on. Laugh in their face. Do that voodoo that you do so well and make them deal with it. Tire them out. Get the last laugh. fk’em

Live well, screw the haters, listen to your fans not your critics. You’ve got more friends here than enemies. Take care of yourself.


Well I think this sux. @TGW I really enjoy reading your posts and swapping messages. I find it very sad that small minded people are unable to accept differences of opinion, or the simple fact that what they are saying is incorrect at best, and stupid at worst.

I hope you return soon, but do wish you all the best and hope to “speak” with you again.

BTW, I posted this in the cup thread, but will post it here too:

The cups remember…


I thought I saw a surprising number of your posts flagged earlier today (can’t remember which thread) which, when I clicked on them, didn’t seem anything to complain about. So now we know. Some people are just a’holes. Well, maybe you’re one too, you keep saying you are, but IMO you are one of the Right Sort of a’holes :wink: The ninja flagger/s is/are the sort no forum needs but every forum gets at some point (and some alliances - we had two invasions last year, fortunately survived both).

Take care then, hope you enjoy the game and the people you choose to hang out with on a more localised basis - and that at some point you’ll feel like dropping in here again :slight_smile:

I hadn’t looked at the cup thread, will do so now! (Cult, eh? You evil… cultist, you.)


@TGW … Oh my no … what the heck has gone on?
Can’t say I have seen anything of late that you have posted that warrants a flag. Hell no …
If it’s a decision you have made freely, I do respect that, the most important thing is to do the right thing by you …
But I always say don’t let the losers win …
You will be sorely missed by so many people in here.
You take exceptionally good care of yourself.
I for one will miss your fun posts tremendously…


Yup. That was the tipping point. Logged in to see a bunch of warning messages about violations of forum guidelines, and thought to myself…

YEAHHHH you know what, @#$% this.

If everything I post is going to get flagged anyway, what’s the freaking point?


Oh boy. I hope the mods can bounce the individual (if it was indeed one person) that went on a flag rampage. Dude, I still haven’t used a flag. Like I am not sure what would warrant one but I have the feeling it is like tattle-tailing unless it was truly vulgar/hateful. If it is questionable, it is just as easy to tag a mod if you think one should come check out the thread. (Why people tag one in the counting thread I will never know.)


Well, the laugh is on them really, because you’ll still be creative and funny and they’ll be… flagging people. It’s like vandals. Can’t do anything worthwhile themselves so they make their impact by spoiling someone else’s stuff.

Looking back at my forum activity it seems I did use a flag once, last December, identifying a spam bot (go me!).

I read the cup thread and it is, as suspected, hilarious :laughing:


I think users flagging posts is a ridiculous forum function that’s way to easy to abuse. Sometimes solely for personal motivated reasons when people hold a crudge against another forum user. People also tend to flag posts they simply don’t agree with, which beats the whole purpose of a forum. Just get rid of that awful function already.

A simple report function would be much better.



You will be so missed! dare I say, by the people who matter?

But don’t let them/him/her win … take another break and come back to the fun threads after that. They are not worth it… but you are


Flagging is how posts get reported. The moderators then determine if the flag is warranted. I’ve flagged lots of posts if I think they need attention such as merging. I’ve even flagged posts to tell a moderator that a player is asking for help and I think it may get overlooked.


The moderators have asked us to not tag them but to flag a post that requires attention.

I didn’t realize that thread was so long. I should have just linked where zephyr1 pointed out when to flag vs when to tag


The counting thread is considered fun so tagging a moderator there is acceptable.

Now I’m probably going to get flagged myself for dragging this thread semi-off topic :grin:


It would be funny if forum users could see the name of their flaggers. Hmm, maybe not :thinking:

I’m sure those people who flag other’s comments do it because they don’t suffer any repercussions from it. Anonimity… Give a person a mask and they’ll show their true selves, right?

I bet less people would use flagging as a silencing method if their name was in there for everyone to see.

Anyway, back to topic before I get flagged :joy: @TGW We haven’t talked much but is always sad to see a fun dude leave. Good luck man.


Dude you taken breaks before from here. Chill and come back later on in time. :woman_shrugging::+1:


had the chance to read and reply more thoroughly… man, I’m sorry. I knew you were not feeling the main forums much lately, but this recent flagging spree seems too much. haven’t seen the flagged posts yet - but I trust the judgment of others here who say there wasn’t much.

plus, from how I know you, you argue fairly and politely. and your excellent humor often makes fun of yourself - not everyone gets that sadly :frowning:

yeah, i know where to reach you, but i’m still sad that the forums have made you feel unwelcome :frowning: hope you find a few oases here, like Community Content.


Bad news indeed. I enjoy reading your content. I wish it could end differently.

Devs should tweak flagg tool a little bit. It has to be a tool with a clear propose. People should flagg insults, offtopics and not using it to harass people.

I have never heard about an anti-tgw team, but if it exists i feel pity for those who has time and energy to harass a forum member . A childish way to behave without doubt.

If you decide to stay, remember that you xontribute to this community, there are people who enjoy reading and talking to you. If you still want to go, i wish you the best , and i feel a little sad but i understand you


@TGW i sincerely hope this is just a break. Besides you cannot allow the thread you started (Small Personal Victories (AKA The Ridiculous Ridiculous Bragging Thread Where Lowbies Like Me Can Brag About Stuff That Upper Level Players Don't Think Is Worth Bragging About)) to be without your contributions!!! The few posts that I have read from you always contain some truth some people may not necessarily want to hear but it’s something someone needs to say. Your contributions will be missed. But I really really hope you will take a short break and be back with us.

Feel free to pop by the Word Association Thread or A to Z Category (where I lurk) where you will never be flagged :upside_down_face: :rofl:. It’s pretty fun too!!