Weakest/Most Underwhelming Non-classic 5* Hero




Oh yeah, forgot about that one, surpassed by Dapper Noble (whom after 50 summons in total in costume chamber I still donā€™t have). He is worse than Natalya, Perseus or Thoth, just because his healing is miserable and only other thing is element link and protect against status ailments that Gato (fast) and Grazul (very fast) have. Just cannon (blade, magic) fodder.

Thoth and Mok-arr and itā€™s not even close.

Agree with his. Heā€™s like a 4* version of Seshat.


To me there isnā€™t a yellow HOTM worse than Musashi or a green HOTM worse than Gregoion.
Who could be worse than them?

I used to think Musashi is bad but nowadays, he somehow hit so hard as if there is a bug that his damage is larger than shown in cardā€¦ maybe because emblemed, his attack stat is insanely highā€¦

Aeron is outclassed by costumed Rigard, yet you are correct:

Thoth is the worst non-vanilla.


Margaret was. Now Greg might be the worst, but heā€™d still be a top choice on titans. Moose in the era of Mist? Donā€™t try it. You wonā€™t enjoy it guaranteed. :slight_smile:

@yelnats_24 His attack stat is high. In the current defense Metas he is showing up more and more at wing. For raw damage as a fast he has a lot. He can sit in the corner, dodge, wreck things, and even heal a little. Heā€™s surprised me once or twice on a raid.

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Most of the underwhelming non-vanilla heroes are unfortunately old HotM who will no longer be featured in Atlantis.

They will no longer generate money even if buffed as Tavern of Legend odds is irrelevant to pursue them. The odds for individual hero is terrible compared to event summon.

So I doubt SG will buff them, they only buff those who can still generate :moneybag:.

They will just neglect them like the last balancing act: No buff for old HotM who already passed their featured period.
NB: Margaret will still be featured 1 more time.

Grimble - His animation is a good laugh but apart of that, whatā€™s he good for :face_with_raised_eyebrow: ? For a purple he is way too weak to give him ever mats.


Thoth Amunn and Grimble

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I seriously think MoK-Arr has a place now. Not in every team but Iā€™d definitely take him to a yellow Titan or a yellow heavy team in a raid.

His buff makes him worthy of consideration now at least

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Mok-Arr is the worst S2 hero.
Grimble is the worst HoTM. Margaret is better than him.


So happy I have a Grimble. :grin:

Seriously. Even though Iā€™ll likely keep him at 1/1 for months (or even years). Just nice to have a conversation piece.

ā€œHey kids, who wants to see the worst HotM of all time? It used to be Margaret, before she got buffed. Now itā€™sā€¦ ta daaaa, this goofy looking dwarf riding a donkey! Heā€™s actually just as useless as he looks!ā€


I suppose Yellow, Green, and Red are fairly solid through and through on HOTM. Some better, some worse. The bottom here might be Moose, Greg/Margaret, Natalya/Anzogh, but Iā€™d argue now, even for Natalya all these heroes have niche uses they could really shine with. Some of them are really fun and useful on certain team setups and players will love them for that and be glad they have those heroes.

Purple has Aeron and Thoth. I think Thoth May have a use, Aeron to C. Rigard is almost like comparing Quintus to G. Kong. Grimble should be better in the age of minions, but Iā€™m not seeing much love for him. This leaves blue, and I start to realize where the worst are that havenā€™t aged and have lost their use, or will lose it.

The worst 2 might actually be Ares and Aegir.

Grimble is good on offence against minion summoners, that S3 one that does raven minions is toast and he helps against telly too. Specific skill set and quite niche but but not useless


Still think Margaret is awful

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Can we include Bai Yeong or Zocc?


Are we allowed to speak of such things?

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Thoth and Mok-Arr. And, figures, I have both. Thoth was actually my first HoTM. He was also the first minion hero who got completely outclassed by all the later minion heroes. As for Mok, itā€™s not so much that he does minor damage to his own team as that he does not affect dark heroes at all.

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Margaret remains bad ā€¦ 150% is not a big deal

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