We should compensate SG when a hero gets buffed

I have three Margarets and a Kong…do they have loan applications?


I was able to take out a 30 year fixed on Mokarr.


Ok, make the buff available only if I pay gems. The only ones they improved that I owened are hu tao, sumitomo, and danzaburo. I will never use any of them still. But, give me gems for the ones they reduced.

But I think they should just provide a new type of reset that lets me unleveled a nerfed hero and use it to fully level another one of my hero’s. That would be completely fair as I leveled a hero under the assumption it was as advertised and then they changed it. Would also be fair if they limited it to same color.

I’ve just withdrawn all of my money from the bank and I’m about to wrap it in a cute Frozen wrapping paper I was saving for a special occasion. Atomos will surely help me, he’s such a thoughtful friend. Owl is a lazy bastard but I hope he won’t dissapoint me and will deliver my compesation to SG staff whereever they are.
You may say it’s too much but that’s a small price for taking my life to another level.


Stop giving SG ideas … they can easily make a scheme to deduct 100 gems per hero they buffed from all accounts, f2p would then be in arrears, and the collect gems event will be played to get them back up to positive gem totals

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I think we are on to something here!

Perhaps we should consider a retrospective charge of energy flags for every good board we get too. It’s only fair, as you didn’t have to re use the energy to get through

Kayo, pure genius as usual. After all, the game is all about balance isn’t it?


Interesting post. But there is a consideration that breaks all.
There is no money compensation (money refund) that SG ever made to costumers, so I don’t see a reason why reversal compensation (from costumer to SG) should involve money :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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“I will invest $1,000 to pull several Tellurias and then sell my account”.


Also, do I have to pay for copies I fed away? I had 3 Aegirs and now have one.

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Of course you have to! You had a chance for more great heroes. You just didn’t take it. Whose fault is that? :smile:

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Makes sense…okay, if I stop playing one day and after I’m gone they buff a hero I had will I incur charges? Maybe pull from my credit card via the store I use?

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Thank you for this. I literally cracked at it

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As f2p, don’t got much gems. Would they take my cat as collateral?

Too funny all around. Thanks for the great :joy: !


A CAT? I’d rather give away my kidney :smile:


There’s good money in kidneys. If you’re serious about that, we should talk.


You’re so funny and enterprising! If it wasn’t for my negative attitude towards marriage I’d propose to you. I can still become your psycho fan though.

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I don’t ask for much from people, but if I did, unyielding psychotic fanaticism of the things I do and say would probably be up there.


Wasn’t it SG that provided the unusable heroes in the first place and by budding them they’re admitting they were useless to start with. Not really worth praise in my opinion

Thanks for clarifying that it needed to be unyielding…clearly don’t want any psychotic fanaticism that yields to others.

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They advertised a specific hero, of which you/we agreed to the terms.