We cannot have more tank options thanks to Guineverre

They are working on a tank (not a secret) - but all changes in beta are directly transported here and directly connected to Guin (as strongest tank). That’s simply not true. Of course existing heroes are an influencing factor - but it’s not Guin alone and the last changes were not even related to Guin.

Somebody mentioned “the beta players don’t want because…” And honestly, that is so wrong on so many levels. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s even not a significant advantage which is not directly published in different forums. It almost only takes time.

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Boss Wolf and Aegir were changed solely due to how well they worked with Guineverre. That’s not really up for debate. The next hero who could be an equal or same tier as Guin will also be nerfed because of how they work with Guin. There’s a common theme here and something has to give.


I just checked the last two months and cannot find changes or comments related to the composition of Aegir and Guinevere.

Bosswolf unfortunately got crippled after the buffs and debuffs from both heroes (and the dark/holy combination) would have make a combination of them really overpowered.

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A blinded Guinevere can indeed miss, just as (now) a blinded Merlin can. Before V15, blind didn’t stop Merlin’s attack on an ally.


Well, I caught up with all of the previous comments and I see my argument was already addressed… My apologies, nothing to see here…

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Oh, okay. Was unaware all this time that Merlin was not getting blinded.


Yeah October’s HOTM. However in his current form he is meh and average at best and easily countered with Zeline or any other dispeller.

Theres two type of attack merlin cast which is first direct damage and second his curse mindless attack. I believe his initial atack plus curse can miss if blinded/wu but the mindless attack that the foe cast after mana full cant miss if blinded/wu before update. At least thats how I interpret it, haven’t test it though.

I think we could have more tank options, but they’d have be similar to Guin rather than wildly different.
Simple algorithm: swap one of (heals | buffs against weak color) with one of (blinds | lowers attack). Maybe even add cures allies or debuffs enemies for extra spice.

I don’t have Guinevere, and I really don’t even want her. Why? She is best tank in this game, but nothing more just tank. I can’t see her helping with titan, attacking teams in events and raids. And all you need to take her down is 3 purple heroes, when you attack her. I use Sabina, Tiburtus and Sartana. All heroes, which you can get from training camp. There are no hero, which can keep you top100 long and no defence team either.

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What if Guineverre’s heal was just a self heal?

Would that be enough to discourage the synergy being overpowered with other top tier tanks?


Some SG staff must have seen Highlander…Guin is the Highlander

“There can only be ONE” …. tank.

This game is a shame on diversity, raid above 2600cups and you know it. Zeline, GM, Guin…and some others.
More scissors stone paper is needed. I prayed more than one time for diversity, especially for F2P.


That should do it becuase it would prevent her from supporting her flanks and instead of people requiring multiple 3-4 purple hero’s to fight her they could attack the flanks and wings first.
She would still be a killer tank too.

I was thinking a good tank would be one that had elemental barrier buff that reflected the strong color. Something like a fire tank with an average speed cast, direct w splash health siphon, -34atk debuff and elemental barrier strong 3 rounds duration. It shouldn’t have a strong direct hit.

Seems like upping the team cost on certain heroes is the way to go here.

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Or just add a ban list combo as Guinevere + (random tank who would be unbeatable) to prevent broken combinations.


Never thought about this. Really very good idea

How about buffing 3* Tyrum up to 4*. Leave his disspell alone and his attack very weak, increase his defense and health to average 4* levels, increase his mana to very fast, and add a 10-20% mana reduction to his special.

I don’t shy away from Guin, even with a Gravemaker bodyguard. She is quite beatable. I use a team of Rigard, Hel, Cyprian, Hansel and Wu. Rigard, Hel and Hansel have lvl 7 manaboost troops. Hel and Hansel(or Gretel) interrupts her mana gain making her much easier to deal with.

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Guin is overpowered. Every defense can be beat, but you shouldn’t have to triple or quad stack against any hero in this game unless you want to. She needs to be nerfed. Slow mana would be great. There is no variety in the Top 100. Everyone has her and it makes the game boring. I’ve heard more people complain about Guin then I ever have about any other hero.

As far as losing 50 trophies to a lower team power player, that’s part of the game and happens to everyone, regardless of who you have on defense or what your team power is. Everyone here has beaten a much higher team power with a much lower team power and won 40+ trophies from it. I’ve lost 50 trophies when my team power was under 3000, and I’ve lost 50 with my team power at 3950. If they can beat the defense, they deserved it. I’m not going to waste a flag for 10 trophies and not get very much resources from the win lol that’s ridiculous.

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So many of the nerf Guin complaints are stupid

“She is the tank for over 50% of the top 100!!!”

Duh! Ever think that has more than to do with the top 100 players who are obviously competitive? The tank is the keystone of the defense team. Any competitive player is going fixate on the very best they can get …:even if it is just .001% better than the second best.

Look again at the to players and you will see more repeats. Yes , it starts with the tank but the higher you go the more you see the same heros.

It’s called min-maxing and t happens in every game. Nerf Guin and another will be in her spot with the same representation. The only thing you will have achieved is upset people…some who spent hundreds to get her. All because you are such a special snowflake that can’t see past your own envy and shortcomings.

For the record I hope they do put out better tanks. I hope the Oct HOTM is everything we thought he would be. I just don’t wish negative changes to any Hero.