War warning ,Mercs,visiting friends

Why is there not a warning for war. Or at least a consistent time it starts .I see you want to stop the Mercs you put sanctions on us all for helping others or just visiting our friends in other alliances . that is totally unfair to us all .if it wasn’t for people who help others where would this cyber world be ? My opinion may not mean much to you but I wanted you to hear it. I really wish you would consider fixing these issues. Mercs are good for the game . visiting friends is good helping others is good

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War is consistently on the same days, so it’s not like there isn’t some warning. The actual start time is supposed to vary so that people in different time zones aren’t regularly disadvantaged by always having a war at a bad time for them.

You just need to take a note once and you know exactly when it starts, since is always the same.

C’mon, you can do it!

Actually you need to do it twice! Since the war stars at a different time on the weekend then on the week.
That’s like double the work! How can anyone manage that?!?!?! :wink:

It annoys me the excessive time for preparation and the war itself. For 4 days a week one is stuck. During last event I saw myself with a dead titan, 8 hours to the next, 2 flags, 1000 pts from levelling and unable to help any alliance needing titan help, being stuck with war prep, so only alternative was wasting 4 flags in order to do the event

Pro Tip: You can do the missions without level up