Hey all - My alliance has been coordinating around red tanks for some time and my defense has been fairly consistent for a couple of months (Athena - Zeline - Ares - Delilah - Kageburado). I hit the Atlantis bingo and got Gravemaker and now I am mapping out my next steps for both ascension and talents and given how expensive both are I want to be sure!
Maxed toons (** denotes currently applied talent points*)
Holy: Joon, Guinevere, Delilah*
Dark: Sartana, Kageburado*, Kunchen, Khiona*
Ice: Misandra, Athena*, Frida
Fire: Ares*, Zimk, Queen of Hearts, Mitsuko*
Nature: Tarlak, Zeline*, Evelyn
- Do I bother swapping out Ares on D given the cost?
- If GM is a tank…thoughts on this lineup?
Joon (Delilah?)
Not sure if it matters…but we are ranked approx 1100…we are on the stronger side of intermediate. We usually face teams with strong defenses but not always deep benches. As a result, there is only so much dispelling for Ares. My team is usually only killed twice.
Thanks for any advice/thoughts!