Looking for advice from experienced players regarding theories behind setting up different defences based on what modifier war brings - Field Aid, Attack boost and Arrow Barrage
We can talk about specific heroes or special types (sand heroes being good on offence vs Field Aid) but im more interested in general ideas -
Ie - do you bring an extra healer to field aid fights to stall the enemy or do you need less bc field aid covers it?
Do you bring crit strike to attack boost? Or Tarlak bc he stacks, or avoid those bc they don’t work well.
I’m looking for generic advice I can pass on to our alliance.
Added: for reference my current Def (team runs red tanks)
I am usually hit by one of the top two or three players on the opposing side. I’ve had this team absorb 9 flags before falling and I’ve been one-shot - usual is 2-4 flags.
The defense I currently use for all wars is Kageburado - Ares - Richard - Vivica - Gregorion, so a sniper - heal - AoE - heal - sniper type of setup. It works reasonably well for all wars but works much better during arrow barrage specifically because the healers stall the battle while the arrows wear down the attacker, making it easier for snipers to one-shot.
I’m still trying to figure out good defenses for the other modes.
For healing wars, throwing a healer in the corner works well. If your opponent leaves the healer until the last, they’ll have a difficult time getting through the faster heal + the healers natural healing. Viv seems to be especially well-suited for this as she has a lot of hp.
That’s exactly my strategy. I always try to support the field buff with my def.
Massive heal for aid, massive damage (AoE plus own buffer) for att buff and fast eliminators for arrows.
My attacks will go the other way round. Fast eliminators against aid and healheavy defs, more health against arrows and mostly two AoE plus mana control against att buff.
Healing: prevent defenses are very effective, because if you can survive until a tile drought for the opposition, you’ll often heal back up to full and just cut them apart.
Arrows: AoE or splash damage is very effective, because it often finishes off multiple weakened enemies at once
Attack boost: since it stacks with other attack boosts, exploit that stacking effect. The non-linearity of the damage equation means that heavy hitters hit very hard with attack boost.
MN in the corner can also be quite tricky. If you have both her and Viv (or Delilah, etc) you might consider putting Mn in the left corner and Viv (etc. etc) in the right for a double whammy.
I completely agree in most cases. I only use her in the corner in healing rounds. Many times I’ll see she is the last one left on my team and she’ll run through a few flags before our opponents gets someone that knows how to take her out.
Basically, your banking on someone not taking out the corner immediately. As heroes die, the speed of the healing increases. When they’re down to 1 hero I think it’s healing them every 2 rounds?? (It’s late here and I’m tired so I may be off by a round. Lol).
This gives Viv (or another healer) time to get their special going. Depending upon which healer you have in the corner, your opponents could be facing minions, +defense, etc. plus the regular healing. If your opponents don’t take the correct heroes they can easily go into overtime.
This is my normal war team so you can have an idea how it works with mine. I switch out Zim for Viv in healing rounds. I wouldn’t do it on any others as Viv is just too slow…