Hello, one of our alliance member will plan opt-out the war, but there are no macthmaking timer or it is so short?
Please let me know, how long is war matchmaking timer?
Is there no timer, because of this raid tournament come? Bugs or something?
I hope there is an option to opt-out war right after the war ended. So our alliance members will have time to opt-in/out next war.
There is no matchmaking timer because it varies depending on your alliance.
Matching phase begins at the same time for everyone (10am UTC Tuesdays, 6pm UTC fridays), but the stronger your alliance is, the quicker the matching phase will end and prep phase begins. Matching phase ranges from 5-10 minutes for the strongest alliances, to around 4 hours longer for the weakest.
Yes, the opt-out box is available at all times. If unchecked during an active war window, it will keep them in for that war and remove them for the next.