War Matchmaking Idea

Let me keep you informed after playing one year in the game, what do I have :slight_smile: 8 more months to go

Kerri i read your posts a lot, which do you consider more useful, a maxed 4or a 3rd tier 5? Just in general, not in regards to grading system.

And just to be clear i dont think matching alliances based on hero counts and strengths etc is a good matchin system either, but seems thatā€™s the one devs want to go with so was just thinking of ways to improve it but obviously i reinvented the wheel this morning instead of making any improvements lol. Hopefully weā€™ll see a truely accurate matchmaking system eventually.

As an ā€œin generalā€ I prefer maxed 4* to 3/70 5*. But, honestly, I follow my own advice and dont raise 5* that Iā€™m not intending to move on the 4th ascension, so I donā€™t have many 5* at 3/70 and they donā€™t stay there very long. Healers are probably the one categorical exception to this guideline, though: Iā€™d take Vivica at 3/70 over 4/70 Rigard, for example. Most healers specials are less tied to the hero level than attackerā€™s.

The trouble I have with your grading system is it brushes aside important differences. Is my newly ascended 4/1 Khiona really a whole notch better than her 3/70 version? Nope. And shouldnā€™t that 3/25 Colen Iā€™m working on be valued less than the 3/70 Kelile? Probably. This grading system also makes no attempt to give a nod to the truth, expressed by many on this topic, that not all 5* are created equal. HotM and event 5* have slightly higher power ratings currently, which should bias war matching towards gether teams with more of these ā€œ5 plusā€ heroes. In your system, alliances of mostly F2P will (legitimately) gripe that they were put up against P2W teams with higher quality heroes.

Again, I think this whole re-grading concept isnā€™t the right direction. I gather that the change SGG just made was pretty easy to implement. Letā€™s not distract the devs from getting a better system altogether.

Makes sense. The amount of 3rd tier 5*i have was inflated a bit above lol just to see a reaction. But i do have a few on 3rd tier that got pushed to the side once heros more worthy of maxing came along as well as deciding to wait and see what the rest of the year brings due to the releases of all these new heros and rereleases of past hotm playin a part in maxing decisions as well

No truer word as itā€™s what I have been saying all along about these to changes.

FINALLY someone gets it right.

And that is behind the scenes action I have been pointing out.

I tried to like your post so many times, the forum software gave me a warning, lol!