War match making

As you can see on screen print you see them with 3 and 4 * during the match once the match is made be there all of a sudden 5 * at are making their team strength can increase this very word should not miss something that the teams securing after the match so that not all of a sudden 5 * that There were at first not screwed up so called the war where we like to get involved

Looks like you are facing some very backward cup droppers. Cups are not used in matchmaking.

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Maak de war er niet echt leuker op in ieder geval

De verdedigingsteams worden niet als parameter meegenomen in het bepalen van een match voor de alliantie oorlogen. Het maakt dus niet uit welke verdedigingsteams je tegenstander heeft opgesteld voordat je gematched wordt met een tegenstander. De 30 sterkste helden (met nadruk op de 5 sterkste), je oorlogsgeschiedenis (win/verlies ratio) en het aantal deelnemende leden aan een oorlog zijn de parameters.

β€œThe defense teams are not taken into count to determine a match for the alliance wars. It does not matter which defense teams your opponent has set before you get matched with an opponent. The strongest 30 heroes (with emphasize on the 5 strongest), your war history (win/lose ratio) and the number of participating members to the war are the parameters.”

Thank you for the comment but then knock something does not if you opposite a team is that double as strong and that you know you will lose lose again with nice difference should be there but so losing makes it look not more fun do not take away we h et giant after our sense with the war but still wondering how you so strong opposite you get