I have my Defence team as Sabina 4.60, Scarlett 4.70.4: Sonia 4.70.3, Cademon 3.60 and Wu 4.70.3, these are my highest 4*. Grimm, Boldtusk and proteus are all at 2.50 only. So have I set the first five up in the correct order and when the next three become higher who would you replace with them. I’m stuck on trap tools so am training up Mele to replace her as I have ascension items for him. Thanks for your advice.
Once you get Boldtusk to 4/70, emblem him and put him in tank. Flank with Sonya and Caed, right wing Proteus, left wing Sabina. Wu is no good on defense, especially with that many snipers.
I’d also look out for more sturdy yellow and purple 4*, Proteus, Sabina and Grimm are very squishy for defense.
I have Tibs. It he’s stuck at 3.60 on trap tools like Sabina is. I have Li Chao and Hu as other yellows still low levels and Gretel at 2.30.
Since you are stuck with 4 stars, just focus en leveling you base up so you can activate TC 20 and start (with luck) getting 5 stars, that’s when the game is gonna start for you.-
I’m not stuck with 4*, I have some great five stars, all not touched until I get my 4* teams right and learn how to play better, hence why I asked for Defence war team setup help, I understand patience is the best way to learn so I’m going slowly, the fives will be there next year, I want to make sure I’m playing correctly for Wars and helping my Alliance to win.
Wu is Not good on Defense. I’d look to replace him. I’d also suggest working on leveling BT ASAP. You are being smart working on getting several 3-4* teams maxed before touching your 5*. I wasted soooo much time and materials on a 5* when I first started, set me back months.
BT, Proteus and Grimm are all worth max’ing as well. Hopefully a strong defensive Holy comes along for you!!
Ok I have Tibs 4/47, Sonia 4/70/4, BT 4/70/2, Cade 4/39 and Scarlett 4/70/7 set up in that order. I have Grimm at 4/67 and should get him to 4/70/2 before war starts, should I swap anyone out for him?
Just pulled Guardian Jackal so will work on him ASAP for a good yellow, am working on Gretel also.