War Contest (Based on %) Dec Event!


  • Simple grab a Pen and paper and track you successful 1 Shots (clean killing enemy) and your failed attempts. [Only Fresh Targets Count]


War 1: 4/5. 80% (Mono)
*Come back few days later
War 2: 6/10 60% (Mono)



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Last war 3/5 - 60% Currently! Aiming for a 5/5 Wens!

<~ Wants to Win a Turtle

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What about power difference? One shooting opponent with same TP or lower than attacking team is easier than opponent with more than 200 TP higher than the attacking team.


We use Ranges here (Set Difficulty level) Setting power level excludes players if we do it as a contest

Whatever you fancy mate. Your the one that has to look your Goat in the Eye on 1 Jan and tell him/Her you earned it.


Seems like fun, @Jaws_3D think some of us might wanna join in on this for our next few wars?


I was 80% last war. Trying for a goat


Love it Maam. Post Away/Encourage you team.

As Dec goes I will grab the info in this room put in Excel and post it as clean updates!


I just shared it in our line chat, will follow up if the team bites :slight_smile:

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Does this start next war or past wars or?

Solid idea btw, i like it


At 74% 1 shot and going up.

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We can start now/anytime in Dec (IE above posters 74%). I edited my war to 1 not 4. Gives us 4-5 Wars left for %’s to flatten out.

I figured you would like this, it was you who got me to push raid competition lol


We should have screen shots of all 6 flags endings

Nice idea, I can tell you my rate is likely to be 50-60%, perhaps less

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So far in December I’m 4/5, 3/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5 = 88%


I like it! Nuts, I was just getting used to the idea of playing cleanup all December :wink: :rofl: :cold_face:

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LOL! Okay @Jaws_3D that’s 2 of us, let’s see how the others feel about it :slight_smile:

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One problem I see is war is an alliance activity. For example, two wars ago, I found myself on clean up duty. It was based on when I logged on, what was available, and who was waiting in the wings. I had to clear two 3-member teams for a flip. Was nice using 3* heroes and had really strong other teams, but does that really represent things? Just my two cents. I’d rather do what’s best for my alliance.

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Guvnor’s Tracking

War #1 - 18/12/2019
6/6 One Shots (30/30 kills)
Score = 100%
Ranking = War Goat

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