Wanted daily players 9 spots. Have a dead alliance absent players? Flying Kiwi Rangers

We have a few spots open in fact 10 for people 1800 up. We have 20 after a cull of absent players .So are you sick of missing players letting your team down. We had to start a new alliance because of this.
So starting on lvl 1 titan new war etc.
But were hitting 7s and 8s with missing players so with your help could be back there fast.
Lowest player lvl at moment is 1680 trophies and all 20 player are war and titan active daily .Active in chat help tactics etc…
If you lvl is lower than 1800 please post up if your daily and we can adjust but ideally around this mark or higher …
Check us out or pop in have a chat.
Flying Kiwi Rangers.

Now on 2s lol get in quick and now 9 spots

Closing per request of OP via flag. Alliance has new leadership and the name has been changed.