🕵 Vollermork – S4 Hero – 3* Fire/ Red: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

Does anyone have this dude LB and max emblems ?

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I did, but stripped his emblems as he was horrible, even in VF events


Scroll up a bit, there are a couple

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It’s nice to see someone make use of Vollermork! :+1:

I had him at +20 before I needed to strip his emblems.

Do you have Bauchan? :face_with_monocle:

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have him LB at level 55, had all talents unlocked and recently striped him off and now he is just wasting space in my rooster. useless beyond imaginable. damage upfront + ailment to accompany fiends could make some difference. as is, he is more of a joke than Dawa.

…or exploding fiends like guys in season 5 :smiling_imp:


I was also excited about him, I maxed and emblem him, but didn’t LB him, just wanted to check if he will be fun to play. I didn’t find him an interesting hero. Sure, he’s my only hero that summons fiends, but he’s slow. Still not useful in VF tournaments though. He would be great in bloody battles, but he’s too slow. Something is missing. Now he’s one of my collectibles as I like to have one copy of each hero.

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I have adohan and he my only fiend maker aswell as vollermork … Was wondering if vollermork LB+20 could hang in a 4* tournament (vf bloodybattle) i wouldn’t use in defence it be attack… Plus he starts of average speed which is a bonus …

If with hanging in you mean his stats, then yes they aren´t bad for a 3 star, but his skill is so entirely useless I would put him in the top 10 of most useless heroes in the game together with Budatin and the classic Prisca / Greymane gang (I mean instead of bringing him on any fight, he´s better off hanging out with the gang annoying your villagers).


He’s really useless. He needs an extra ability or maybe his fiends need an ability :frowning:

Just got Fianna. Avg speed and 3 fiends dealing scaling damage form 45 to 93. 35% heal to get rid of them. And everything this after direct damage to 3. I look at Vollermork and it is a laugh


And this is a rare occasion when I am happy to see Vollermork :slight_smile:


that sure is the best Vollermork I have ever seen!

Small guy keep getting me HotMs :slight_smile:


I had the exact same thing happen today.

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Wow, congrats on getting him with another HOTM! :partying_face::tada::confetti_ball:

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All ballance updates, 200 heroes affected, and they forgot to fix Vollermork. :slight_smile: I am loosing hope

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Balance is only a thing if it means buffing new 5 star heroes,old 3 star heroes will not get buffs. Just delete this useless thing or well keep it as a fun mascot in a shelf gathering dust.