Very Lucky Summons. What next for Defense?

In last event i got the luckiest pulls of my life:

Costume Panther/Costume Finely/Costume Kong and Costume Rabbit.

Looking for some advice on best way to structure them in a defensive team? Plan on maxing all of them.

Have added some screenshots of Roster, hoping for some advice on defensive formation and team.

:fast_forward: Mother North© - Ludwig - Alfrike - Lady of the Lake - Heimdall

:muscle: :bow_and_arrow: :skull: :sparkles: :Lewena - Frigg - Bera - Ludwig - Master Lepus©

upgrade all, :sunglasses: :skull: :skull_and_crossbones: :black_heart: :mechanical_arm:

Great option. I’d replace Heimdall for Wolfgang to add another wolf in there. Slow heroes without Ludwig are… slow.

I only have lvl 25 and lvl 11 mana troops, but I guess Mother North/Ludwig-lady of lake and wolf gang is very scary. What formation would be best? double ( Ludwig/lady of lake in front?)

Could be great. But since wars are V shaped, you should focus on an optimal V formation first. Raid Defense formations are fun, but less important imo.

Not when they are in a rush :nerd_face: