Version 52 discussion thread

They did push it before CoK finished, did you catch it?

First time I’ve seen an update done at around 0730GMT

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The only reason for this is to have the update forced before Valhalla Forever starts with the new Monster Lure.


Yes (and no, I like to believe SG has a heart so we could get our CoK summons in with FS) that’s most likely correct.

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If they would have wanted that, then they would do this forced update 1 day earlier so that everyone has a chance to use the CoK pulls for Fated Summon.
Now a very large number of the playerbase have overslept this chance.


Agree. Zynga wouldn’t have left the forcing till this late, if they wanted FS to be available earlier.

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Yeah I was being facetious, I was just asking that player if they had a chance to do what they wanted before CoK finished.

You can see with my parenthesis.


Did santas sleigh come from v.52? I never noticed that before.

If you touch it 15 times presents come spilling out :gift:

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…And we have 52.0.1 available already (at least on android) :confounded:

Anyone have any ideas of what has been changed/fixed in this one?

Yeah Alfrike was super broken when I just faced her

Sadly they never give release notes for minor (changing the third number in the version number) updates. They only do it for intermediate (changing the second number) and major (the first) updates.
But usually that’s because that’s only some very subtle bug or security fixes invisible to the player.

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@Elioty33 Thanks. I was wondering if it was something that came up very late in Beta testing.

If it’s a security fix then of course they won’t give details - and neither should they !

I see they are unchanged from last year…3000 gems for summonx10 and 8400 for summonx30…I would have expected to see a black friday discount here, otherwise why do you call it black friday?

Due to the offers. Thats why.

No one said it was a good idea that I saw

Don’t understand how you can limit how many someone can find for a avatar mission

Also they seemed to at least then before anyway.

And even with the lure and a but ton of runs I could only get 3 pulls so…

That’s worth 3 bucks max lol

The lack of Season 1 heroes maybe ?

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The offers last Black Friday were among the worst in the game as I recall.


Which is quite the opposite of about every other businesses in the world :person_shrugging:


But according to SGG/Zynga:

Guess it means that this Summon Gate is taller/wider than the others. :rofl:

This portal has the biggest selection, minus S1 heroes.

Doesn’t mean that the offers are the best in the game, quite the reverse actually.

But that was last year. This year’s offers may be better; probably not the regular offers that come with the portal, but there may be special “feel something” offers.

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I have $20+ USD in Google Play credit saved up, and I was thinking about going big on the Black Friday portal. If last year’s offers were that bad, where should I spend this in the lead-up to BF to maximize gems?

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