Version 48 Release Notes & Status - Discussion

I can help you with that instead of Petri.
If the Stoneskin meter is at 10% ,20%, 30%, 40% then if you do not use any special skills or battle items, then it will drop with 10% at the end of the turn.

If the Stoneskin meter reaches 50%, then at the end of your turn

  • all enemies gain 5% health
  • all status ailments are cleansed from the enemies
  • Stoneskin buff activates for all enemies
  • Stoneskin meter drops to 0% (even if you use all of your battle items and special skills in that turn)

I have written a bit about this here:

Earlier the release notes contained this, which was confusing and not what we have seen in Beta so I have contacted Staff in Private Message and after they now fixed the release notes to what we see now:

I think the release notes is still not completely ok as I remember that the Stoneskin buff which is activating lasted for 1 attack for me in Beta and NOT 3 as what is mentioned in the released notes.
So I have asked them to check it and correct me or the release notes:
