Valor Challenge Summon

This is a game, dont stress about it
I prolly wont finish it, and im ok with that


Yes I know, but 275 summons isn’t not nothing.:flushed:

I’m not alone, ouf. :joy:


Many people plan ahead and save stuff


No not alone. Summoning seems to be a touchy subject in this forum no matter the topic lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Guardando monedas desde hace 3 meses sabiendo lo que iba a pasar

moderator edit and reminder that English is the official forum language

Saving coins for 3 months knowing what was going to happen

It’s what I do… I haven’t the choice. :frowning:

I have 4 EHTs saved, which i will not use
I got 3 tokens yesterday from an elemental chest.
Gather them up, do the best you can

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Yes sure, thank’s a lot for your answers guys. :blush:

Besides, it doesnt matter who you summon, just that you summon

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and i agree with @Dthompjr
summons discussions can sometimes get heated
thats why i dont discuss them

Still feel for @Rook :frowning_face:

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Just to confirm, but you know that penultimate level means second to last level, right?


Way to go Bob, crush his hopes and dreams into even smaller pieces :crazy_face::joy:



we need more duck hunts… :rofl:

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It’s same what I said no?

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We knew for months that this was going to be a requirement, so some of us hoarded silver tokens. I finished summons on day 1.

Get the next to last level done, then start saving in case it’s the same next go round.


It isn’t a problem if you regularly get chests filled because at least in my case, I know I get a silver token 90% of the time. Or if you hoard every single token you get. 30 summons is not a problem if you are on VIP as you get two daily summons. If you just use that, that can be done in 2 weeks and a day easy.

None of this discussion is new. Has been hashed out numerous times in the main Valour Path threads.

I’ll refer you to the following two breakdowns on the summons challenge by F2P players, both of whom think they’ll complete the final tier… first by @ThePirateKing:

And this one by @EngOran:

Also @HroznyMilan has been tracking his/her summon tokens since the START of the Valour Path. Latest update (Day 7) here:


Yeah true, but if you dont complete tire 9 summon (225 summons in total, 4.5 per day) you will not reach milestone 50 no matter you completed every single other challenge.

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It’s that my problem… How to summons 225 times? :sweat_smile: I don’t think it’s possible with only somes grey token…