Valhalla Duplicates - Who’s worth the redundancy?

Has anyone leveled up multiples from Valhalla? I’m sitting on a few and looking to downsize but I don’t know how many of which ones are worth having. Mist and Brynhild are obvious choices to keep multiples but what about Mireweave, Stonecleave, Sumle, El-Dunn, By-Ulff, Kvasir, Nordri, Bjorn?

My roster aside, what is your experience? Who do you like and why?


I’m a big fan of Nordri, Kvasir and Bjorn. I think Kvasir and Bjorn particularly are very handy and multiples for rare events and tournaments would be good; Kvasir particularly as he is kind of a healer in a colour that doesn’t include that option.

The fours you list aren’t all that appealing to me. I think maybe mireweave could be worth having a dupe of, cause very fast is powerful, but not sure yet. The remainder I would probably feed away, but as I haven’t pulled 4* dupes yet I’m not sure


2xBrynhild for Trials of Survival)


Bjorn should be a keeper for 3 star tournaments, maybe even events - he hits like a truck. I have 2 of him.

Sumle is powerful and two Sumle in a team would be fearsome, but 4 stars reds have already quite decent choices. But Wilbur - Falcon - 2x Sumle - Boldtusk is definitely something I would try.


So I was assuming you’d keep two of each Valkyrie, they are very nice, it as the other fours I was suggesting would struggle to be useful in multiples

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I just got her, third pull! Excellent!! and I was cursing “Are you serious??? This is deliberate, I’m certain of it!!!”… Well, that Trial? I didn’t survive; next time maybe…

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I got two of the bee guy on my main which I will be saving for the next Pirates event for rare difficulty. And maybe easy difficulty of Return to Morlovia.

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Talking of Valhalla heroes, I haven’t done any yet (well only have 100 coins anyway). Are all the Valhalla heroes available yet, or are they releasing them bit by bit?

definitely bit by bit. Norns only became available now, and we know of a handful of others not yet released like Skadi and Baldur @GuanYu79

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As usual, bit by bit. There are some good ones if you scroll through the portal, but there will be lots more

Remember though that Ursena and Poseidon were two of the last released in Atlantis (then again so was Atomos) so there could be some nice ones toward the end.

If there is something you like now and you’re pulling for seriously, then this might be a good time before the pool gets too deep and dilutes your odds

Ok thanks heaps. I started playing EandP at the end of Atlantis and got Proteus who has helped me unbelievably in the game. I think I will also wait till the end as well so I may get a catch like him with Valhalla. I’m not gonna count 5 stars as I didn’t get any 5 star Altlantis heroes, nor do i expect any Valhalla ones either.

All good thoughts

I take a different view. I have no patience for waiting, I just like doing summons, seeing what I get, and enjoying the ride. I’m trying not to take it all too seriously and as long as I am spending my leisure time with some degree of enjoyment then happy days

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In my honest opinion, of the 3*, I have decided to keep multiples of Bjorn, Kvasir, Nordri and El-Dunn.
Just to use in the challenges/ raid tournaments.
Whatever you decide, Good Luck

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I maxed 2 x El-Dunn and will feed them away the moment I get Azar’s costume. More damage, faster, also hits 3. Ugh, I want the feeders back, I’m gonna cry lol


There’s info beyond that image of 5 new costumed heroes? Didn’t see any link to page discussing them. Or is this leaked from beta?

Edit: found it, searching for #beta-beat heh… ugh I hate how this mobile site makes noteworthy things not right in your face on the main page… always having to do a search…

Check out the #beta-beat threads. Is a new one for Round 2 of costumes.

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I have to imagine the answer is no, but are duplicate Stonecleave worth it? I am having a hard time justifying leveling one of him right now.

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I wouldn’t max one period.


Keeping at least two of any S3 hero, as have got the roster space. Have two of every 3* and 4* except just one Mireweave. Will see how they fare, lots on the conveyor belt, but I’ll probs start my 2nd Bryn once Kingston finished… no tonics so not feeling bad about making Telly wait lol. And Bryn has been fantastic… match-saving a few times… so two covering everyone will be divine.


I’ve maxed one, emblems too, great tile dmg, love him for farming as he has a guaranteed one-shot every turn for 4 turns (8-7 that is) and I wonder how he’ll fare in no-holy 4* tournaments… got a second too, tis a long time before I could consider levelling him but could be a pain to fight two of em. Yeah he can be used to ghost tiles… yeah no use vs titans unless you’re lacking tile dmg… yeah should be fast, should be 50% dmg reduction vs holy instead of taking full dmg… yeah he could be better… but when taking him raiding a number of times I’ve had him be the MVP by taking/ghosting snipes and whittling away or finishing enemies while I’m stuck working a board.

Of course if you’re a top tier 2600 player with 30+ 5* roster then yes feed him away lol… but if you’re intermediate level, or not super-serious/elitist then he can be worthwhile… and fun!