šŸ“Æ Valhalla Coins Availability Discussion/Feedback ā€“ Season 3 (Valhalla)

Thereā€™s a request thread now for Valhalla Coins in loot: Extra roll for Valhalla coins in loot


They donā€™t give a crap about goodwill. They want credit card numbers.

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@IvyTheTerrible Yeah I was expecting a free gift of 100 coins to celebrate the release of season 3 but I guess not. Cause normally they give small gifts to celebrate events. I read the Valhalla summon details and it said it is supposed to drop in wanted chests and rare titan defeats. But I guess not? :woman_shrugging:

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Since weā€™re getting conflicting tool tips on where these can drop it seems unclear. I have not yet seen a report of them in a wanted chest or rare titan defeat, so for now Iā€™m going to conclude that theyā€™re S3 map stage drops only (and specified rewards, like completing S3).


I managed to get two pulls. Iā€™m f2p just like you

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Does anyone know if the Valhalla summons will be replacing the Atlantis summons? Or will there still be both?

We have no indication that Valhalla will replace Atlantis.

Replacement seems incredibly unlikely for at least two reasons:

  1. There is no real incentive for SGG to limit the number of portals (read: money making opportunities). If anything, they are clearly doing creating more summoning opportunities, with the constant arrival of new HOTMā€™s, heroes being recently added to the challenge events, the announcement of heroes being added to the seasonal events, and the introduction of the costume chamber.

  2. The Valhalla portal did not open at the time the same time as the Atlantis portal, sort of. In February, Atlantisā€™ date was changed, which many speculated (correctly) was because the launch of Season 3 and the Valhalla portal was imminent. Generally, it is now expected that Atlantis will run again in early March, with Valhalla late in the month.


What Iā€™m actually curious about is if there is or will be extra opportunity to farm for the coins as in season 2. I farm a lot on s2 4:3 for extra chances to gain Atlantis coins. I would love to farm for more chances for Valhalla coins.

What little bit of season 3 is finished for me so if there are extra chance opportunity, I will be happy to farm there otherwise I will farm s2 and wait for more s3 to open.

ā€œyou donā€™t pay, you donā€™t complainā€

Amen to that.

Youā€™re referring to Atlantis Rises and the Orichalcum Seadragons, yes? Unless Iā€™m unaware of some way to farm coins? They didnā€™t implement that until after the entire S2 map was revealed, so you may be waiting for a while to farm Valhalla coins if they do the same thing with S3.

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Thatā€™s exactly what I was referring to, thank you.
I really enjoyed the opening of S3 and canā€™t wait for more to roll out.

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I was thinking, if thereā€™s even the slightest chance thereā€™s some way to farm Atlantis Coins outside of the monthly event, I MUST be sure I know what theyā€™re talking about. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, it would be unfair to new players just earning their Atlantis coins if they were unable to spend them. I donā€™t see the Atlantis portal going anywhere. When Season 4 drops, who knows?

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As per latest announcement::


I think that Atlantis will be slowly dying while Valhalla will be released and someday, when all provinces are released will be a Valhalla raises and then we will say farawell to atlantis. I wonder if atlantis portal will be locked too , and then where their heroes will go.

Hopefully into the training camps!!


Why wouldnā€™t they just add S3 coins instead of replacing S2 coins?


not sure how to feel about this honestly. I feel like itā€™s even worse because now it takes doubly long to save up 100 coins for some summon. Not really good for f2p players.

How is that? As long as the number of Valhalla coins is the same as the number of Atlantis coins, it should be mostly a wash.

The one group it does hurt is those that have made it to S2 but not S3. But thatā€™s a fairly small band.

The total number is the same, so over a long, long period of time itā€™s the same.

however, consider a player who currently has 0 atlantis coins and 0 valhalla coins.

previously, if it took them 2 months to gather 100 atlantis coins, now, they can only get 50. It would take 4 months before saving up enough for a pull. Sure, theyā€™ll get two pulls at that time, but itā€™s less flexibility in when you pull.

Not making it to S3 wonā€™t matter because the portals are open to everyone.

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