When and how do you use the coins in your inventory for the hero’s? I mean the cleric, etc ones?
The hero has to be maxed first, and their special skill has to be fully leveled (max is 8). 3 star heroes: ascension 3 / level 50.
4 star heroes: 4/70
5 star heroes: 4/80
Once those conditions are met, open their hero card and then click the “Talent Grid” button.
Class Emblems are used for acquiring a hero’s [class talents and are found under the General tab of one’s Inventory. Emblems may only be invested into talents when a Hero is fully leveled, ascended, and has their special skill maxed. Each of the 10 [Hero Classes] Okay! I understand all this. BUT what for is this good, what’s the point and why and when? This what I really would like to know. When and what for is this needed.
You can now go to the talentgrid and give the emblems to the hero.
Together with the class ability you can either choose an offensive or deensive path which should be selfexplanatory:
You increase the stats (def, att and/or max health) by giving emblems to heroes. You may decide which stats should increase and each class has a special ability called talent, which has a certain probability to apply when being attacked.
Some can dodge damage, some can revive, some can set up a shield, some a minion, some can slow down the opponents mana generation, some can avoid bad mana ailments and a few more.
Aaaaaaa okaaaay! Understand. And making them selves invisible? I’ve seen that many times. For example Sonya she just vanish or is that the heroes special effect?
No, thats the talent, but Sonya is a paladin, which can’t revive. If she vanished, something went wrong. Paladins may set up an additional defensive shield.
Colen (fighter class) can revive with 1 health point and if he was charged before… Bam.