Using 30 pulls on Valhala + Today or tomorrow?

  1. So I’ve been saving this for a while, should I use it on Valhala, 30 pull?

  2. The other question is about hero of the month, should I use it today for a chance Jean-Francois or tomorrow? at the new month start?

Thank you all for answers!!

really appreciate…

Setup I use, left to right

Melendor (20), Khagan (10), Poseidon (9), Boril, Quintus(9)

I used a lot Triton insted of Boril but lately for me Boril is better in this setup…
Got also Proteus (17) in backup

Really love Melendor because of enemy dispelling…

Dang. Tough call. I’d probably use it today with a chance at Jean-Francois, if you don’t have him. I do, and I love JF. Besides, if you are able to pull Heimdall (and that’s still a big IF even in a 30-pull), he may make you forget all about Telluria.


Can you post your roster?. It’s really hard to give you advice with no information on what you actually need.

Also, do you often do 30 pulls or is this your one in a long time 30 pull chance?. Depending on frequency it will also have an inpact on advice.

yup, reasonable request :slight_smile: , modified initial post…

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Ive been saving this for a new season. Never did 30 pull, did 10 pull on Atlantis, like 4,5 times…

20 pulls today for a chance on JF and another 10 pulls tomorrow for a shot at Telluria.
Anything is possible…

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Except OP may only have enough gems for a single 30-pull, which is cheaper than three individual 10-pulls by 600 gems.


Yeah…its very much depend on OP’s need then…

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8945, but if you say its worth it i can get another 55 :)…but 600 is a lot??

I dont belive that JF is going to fit on your situation. Khagan is, imho, the worst one off the vanilla reds and Quintus is another one, that unfortunatly for you is among the worst this game has to offer. So, while JF would be a really good improvement, you will also have to use another 6 rings which I dont know if you have at hand.

Now, Sunday and Telluria she can be a really good addition to any team. For you, the main problem I see is that you have a strong Melendor so you would be using a x2 Green in your defense, but while not ideal you would be replacing Quintus for Telluria making your team MUCH MUCH stronger, even while factoring the double green.
Also, pulling on Sunday will give you a good chance (the best one you will ever have: because s3 pool is shallow right now) of pulling Freya or Heimdall (important thing to consider for him. is that I belive that Alberich is not comming back in Atlantlis Hotm rotations, so that leaves only MN once x year, until developers bring back old HOTM in a new mechanic). And Freya seems to be a really good hero player when going for Minions (which Telluria a hero that works around that), only problem with Freya is the need for 6 Tabards… seeing how you used them on Quintus, not sure if you have the spare ones for her.

So if WAITING for Valhala portal at the end of March is not an option, and waiting for what I belive to be in 2 months an Atlantlis cycle with GM and Seshat is not an option. I would say you get better value, by trying to summon on Sunday.


Thank you very much.

I think I will pull tomorrow then…will report here what i got…

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Telluria is 100 times better hero than JF that alone say wait till tomorrow. Just as I am :slight_smile:

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They are both great. Chances are low you’ll get either. So which one do you like more?

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by ulf
by ulf
by ulf
gan ju
el dunn
el dunn

yup that went well…


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That is very funny , … 21 pull :sweat_smile:
… u are never alone …


Save your $ i did 90 pulls and got 2 5 Stars wasn’t worth it

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lot of money for those 2 bits and bytes :wink:

Ok while we are going at it :slight_smile:

Is anything worth from what i got ? those new 4 s? or even 3s for 3s tournament?

Any recommendation or suggestions?

Nordri is amazing. Best valhalla hero IMO (other than Tyr and maybe heimdall).

Mist is good too