I agree
Many players used emblems on War defense first
Then when players had 1x X*+20 defense team, and 3x X*+20 attack team, SGG added limit breakers
When players have 4x teams ( 1x defense, 3x attack ) with limit breakers, SGG will add the next power up ( see notes )
Negative power creep
I agree
See notes
Click for notes
Small team
Pseudo 8* heroes
SGG is slowly turning up the heat
Negative power creep
Negative power creep
But current Season 4 / 5 heroes and current 5* HotM are adding more and more innate abilities ( see notes )
So 1x maximum stat, 5* hero ( Aether, Emblem, 4* troops, etc. ) from Season 4 / 5, or current 5* HotM,
on a 4x 1* 1.1 defense team ( patched tournament, defense hack ), is still a pseudo 6* / 7* hero without any synergy
Defense versus attack
very likely an attack stat soft cap. Defense stat is not linear. And 5*+20 get a multiplier of x1.2 for defense stat ( as @Garanwyn pointed out about 5*+20 heroes more than a year ago ).
We will skip over the mana speed problem with the current meta. That is impossible to analyze with my math skills.