USD Offers, Screenshots, Valuations & Discussions

Dunes Offers

[Jul 2022]

Day 1

Tier 1

Items Value
3000x Gems $15.00
1000x Dunes Coins $15.00
10x WE Flasks $5.00
Total $35.00

Tier 2

Items Value
600x Gems $3.00
Total $3.00

Synopsis Tier 1 is plus value offer if you factor in the flasks, otherwise a fair offer. Tier 2 is the standard 50 cents gem offer and is a fair value offer.

Day 2
Items Value
400x Gems $2.00
150x Dunes Coins $2.25
Total $4.25

Synopsis A plus value offer as you get more game dollars per real dollar.

Day 3
Items Value
500x Dunes Coins $7.50
Total $7.50

Synopsis This is plus value offer even without the battle items (which are somewhat expensive but can be crafted for free or obtained easily via normal gameplay).

Day 4
Items Value
3000x Gems $15.00
1000x Dunes Coins $15.00
Total $30.00

Synopsis A fair value offer without the battle items (which are more resource intensive but can be obtained easily nevertheless).

Other valutions