USD Offers, Screenshots, Valuations & Discussions

Lunar New Year Offers (Day 10)

[January 28, 2023]

Tier 1

Items Value
4x EHT $5.20
1x ETT $0.80
Total $6.00

Synopsis This is same as Halloween Offers (Day 6). Incidentally, for the same price, Forgotten Treasures of Ice, T2 will net you an additional 2x ETTs, 600 gems and 250K food, after you pay $3 for tier 1 of course (which is still a better value). There’s also Feel The Power (Elradir, Challenge Coins, EHTs) offer which gives you 6 pulls for the same price. So even though this is a plus value offer, it is probably not the best place to spend your $5.

Tier 2

Items Value
10000 Gems $50.00
5x EHT $6.50
20x Challenge Coins $2.60
2x 4AM $10.00
4x 3AM $4.00
Farmable Items $0.00
5x Titan Flask $2.50
Reset Token $0.00
Total $71.60

Synopsis Instead of getting the usual 5x ETTs, you get 20x Challenge coins which is 2 pulls. It also lowers the game value of the offer making it even more subpar.

Other valuations