USD Offers, Screenshots, Valuations & Discussions

Web Only | Special Offer

[December 5, 2022]

Items Value
12000x Gems $60.00
1700x Super Elemental Coins $28.90
1700x Underwild Coins $25.50
Total $114.40

Synopsis As far as $100 offers go, this one is probably the one with the highest game value, however, you’re still spending more real dollars per game dollar making this a subpar offer. Apologies for missing out on the Underwild coins. Counting them in, the tables are turned now - this is actually the first $100 offer that is a plus value. Assuming you use the gems for a 3K portal (or a combo of 30 pull + 2600 portal), this gives you a total of 74 pulls with each pull at $1.30 - a bit high given we’ve recently seen 50 cent pulls.

Other valuations