USD Offers, Screenshots, Valuations & Discussions

Santa’s Booster

[December 1, 2022]

Items Value
300x Gems $1.50
1x EHT $1.30
Total $2.80

Synopsis Interesting mix of offers. Thanks to @Ufeel, the loot is guaranteed so you also get:

Items Value
200x Super Elemental Coins $3.40
200x Covenant Coins $3.40
100x Dunes Coins $1.50
11x EHT $14.30
200x Loot Tickets $10.00
3.95M Food $3.95
0.9M Iron $0.90
1x 3AM $1.00
1x 4AM $5.00
Total $43.45

which makes it a highly plus value offer, even discounting the food/iron/3AM.

Other valuations