USD Offers, Screenshots, Valuations & Discussions

Feel The Might (Yang Mai, Legendary Tome of Ascension, Legendary Tome of Experience, Dunes Coins)

[October 30, 2022]

Items Value
1x Legendary Tome of Ascension -
1x Legendary Tome of Experience -
1000x Dunes Coins $15.00
Total $15.00

Synopsis As we do not have data to assign values to the tomes, it is hard to put a value on this offer. The coins are worth $15, so you decide if rest of the items are worth $85 to you or not. These are some of the rarest items to be found in this game so :man_shrugging:.

P.S. This is a repackaging of Feel The Power (Senan) offer with Dunes coins instead of EHTs.

Other valuations
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