USD Offers, Screenshots, Valuations & Discussions

Halloween Offers (Day 10)

[October 12, 2022]

Tier 1

Items Value
6.5M Food $6.50
Total $6.50

Tier 2

Items Value
2800x Gems $14.00
2x EHT $2.60
3x ETT $2.40
1x 4AM $5.00
2x 3AM $2.00
Farmable Items $0.00
Total $26.00

Synopsis: T1 seems like a plus offer but both food and iron are free in this game. E.g., if you have all farms, adv. farms maxed, it’d little less than 4 days to generate 6.5M food. Less time if you fill up chests, win raids, complete quests etc. T2 is also a subpar offer as you’re getting less game dollars for real dollars.

@BlackZed Valuation

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