USD Offers, Screenshots, Valuations & Discussions

Halloween Offers (Day 6)

[October 8, 2022]

:- Tier 1 -:

Items Value
4x EHT $5.20
1x ETT $0.80
Total $6.00

Synopsis A plus value offer as you game dollars for real dollars.

:- Tier 2 -:

Items Value
10000 Gems $50.00
5x EHT $6.50
5x ETT $4.00
2x 4AM $10.00
4x 3AM $4.00
Farmable Items $0.00
5x Titan Flask $2.50
Reset Token $0.00
Total $73.00

Synopsis A far below par offer even including the 3AMs and flask (which you can obtain for free using normal gameplay).

@BlackZed Valuation

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