USD Offers, Screenshots, Valuations & Discussions

Dragon Power

[October 3, 2022], [May 4, 2023], [January 13, 2024]

Tier 1

Items Value
600x Gems $3.00
1x EHT $1.30
1x Battle Item $0.00
Total $4.30

Tier 2

Items Value
3300x Gems $16.50
2x EHT $2.60
3x ETT $2.40
5x 3* AM $5.00
1x Battle Item $0.00
1x Titan Flask $1.00
Total $27.50

Tier 3

Items Value
11000x Gems $55.00
3x EHT $3.90
3x ETT $2.40
2x 4* AM $10.00
4x 3* AM $4.00
Battle Items $0.00
1x WE Flask $0.50
1x Titan Flask $1.00
Total $76.80

Synopsis You shouldn’t be paying for 3* AMs but even if you do, all of the offers are subpar. You’re spending more real money for less game money in return.

Other valuations

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