Upgrading PvP and Loot!
Last month, we announced the first part of a broad series of loot changes [Great Loot Renaissance! (November 2024) 🔮] and we promised there would be more coming. Well, Part 2 is ready, but that’s not all! We’re making some adjustments to PvP as well, so let’s start there.
You’ve repeatedly told us that defense teams win too often in PvP, battles take too long, and tile-matching skill doesn’t have enough impact on the outcome. In response, we cooked up some new rules to address those concerns and tested them in the Raid Brawl feature. Our hope was that they would make PvP faster and more fun.
During the two public Raid Brawls, we closely monitored feedback via support, social platforms, and forum, and analyzed server logs, to assess the impact of the new ruleset. Once we saw strong indications that the rule changes were achieving their goals, we did several more rounds of beta testing to make sure the new rules could slot into other PvP modes without issue.
It’s green lights across the board, so we’re excited to announce that the ruleset we featured in the first Raid Brawl will be implemented in all core PvP game modes!
As a reminder, the new rules are:
- Combo Damage multiplier increased
- Earlier Tiebreaker
- Troop damage against weaker elements increased. Effect is reduced when using multiple heroes of the same element
- Critical chance for all Troop attacks. Critical Troop hits reduce max health
- Slightly adjusted general balance of attacker vs defender
They will be applied to:
- Raids
- Raid Tournaments
- Hero League
- Alliance Wars
- War of the Three Kingdoms
Changes will be enabled once all players are on version 73.
We hope these additions will make your Raid Tournaments more engaging, because they’re also about to become more rewarding!
Loot Level-Up Part 2
As advertised, this round of adjustments focuses on fixed rewards from events, but we’ll also be further improving Wanted Chests based on the community response to Part 1. Let’s dive in!
Competing in Tournaments and Event Quests will now get you Trainer Heroes and a lot more Summons. Here are the exact changes:
Raid Tournament
- 10x amount of Season Coins: Example Top 1% max 10 coins → 100 coins
- Master Emblems added to upper reward tiers
- Trainer Heroes added to all reward tiers
Event Quests
- Players will receive enough free coins for 2.5 summons by completing all stages
- Leaderboard rewards – increased summon coins, added trainer heroes, more adjustments
- Applies to the following events:
- Challenge Events
- Alliance Quests
- Tower Events
- Goblin Village
- Astral Plane
- Contest of Elements
- Shadows of the Deep (Coming soon!)
Changes will be enabled once all players are on version 73.
Over the past few weeks, you’ve shared your opinions and feedback regarding the changes to Wanted Chests across social channels and we’ve taken this on board. As soon as all players are on Version 73, the cooldown timer on all Wanted Chests will be reduced to 24 → 23 hours. We hope this small quality of life change will give you more flexibility and predictability in your daily play.
We’ve also heard your requests to convert the fixed Gem cost for skipping cooldown to a sliding scale. The good news is we agree that’s the right way to go. The bad news, however, is that it won’t be ready in time for this release. We’re actively working on it and we expect to be able to include it in our next update. So, just the facts:
Wanted Chest
- Cooldown reduced to 23 hours
- Increased quantities of Food and Iron rewards
- Odds of Trainer Hero in Raid and Monster Chests increased to 50%
- Guaranteed Trainer Troop in every Monster Chest
- Monster Chest now includes a bonus chance to receive Food and Iron Crates
Future release:
- Cooldown skip cost scaling down over time
Thanks for all the conversation around these and other changes. We appreciate you sharing your feedback, and we hope these adjustments will improve your game experience!