Updated advice for my teams please

Seeking some general advice on hero leveling and such. Team 1 is what I’m using currently. Agwe will be replaced as soon as Ulmer is done, Valen and Kiril to follow. Currently I’ve been putting my main focus on Buddy , then Brienne and Melandor to follow later. Wu Kong is my main focus after Buddy is finished above all other heroes. For Dark, Chochin is almost complete, followed by Rigard, Tibertus, Cyprian. Nashgar has been coming along nicely, followed by Colen later.
I stopped working on my 5* heroes… I know I need a strong 3* and 4* team before anything else! I think my training plan is going fine, but I’ve acquired some new heroes and just want to see if anybody should be bumped up or down in priority…especially now that I have Squire Wabbit.

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Would have said Valen first, but you’re close enough to done with Ulmer, you should finish him. Slow mana is no fun, but he can be deadly if he goes off.

If you are wanting to compete in all rare events, remember that there are only two rare healers - Hawkmoon and Belith. Belith gets dispel as a bonus effect. Also, Grimforest enemies reflect red, which makes it tough to use Hawkmoon. I might go with Belith over Brienne and/or Melendor.

I mostly endorse this order, but maybe move Tyrum or Balthazar to the head of the line if you want to be able to double purple’s in rare tier events. Also, Chochin isn’t much of a hitter.

I think I’d go to Squire Wabbit next, then Colen.


I had Ulmer leveled to that point before I got Valen. Only worked on Agwe to have a decent 4* blue bc I didn’t have the others.

I had this same thought.

I just got them recently as well.

I’ve been seeing mostly great reviews of Squire Wabbit…definitaly putting him in the lineup!

I hate to tell you, but from what I’ve read, you still wouldn’t have a decent blue 4-star after working on Agwe! I don’t have him, so I don’t know how good or bad he is, but most people seem to really hate him.

Good luck, and check back often.

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I recommend having at least 5 to 10 Rare heroes leveled up, and more if you want to compete in
are event quests and raid tournaments with a nice bench.

You’ve already got Bane and Hawkmoon. You’re on the right track with finishing Ulmer, Brienne, and Chochin. Whether you want to continue after that is up to you… if you want more: Squire Wabbit, Valen, Balthazar, Belith, Nashgar, Gunnar, and Tyrum are all good. WIth your roster, you should do Sq. Wabbit anyways. He’s arguably the best 3 star hero.

For your 4 stars, these should be your main focus after you’re done working on rare heroes:

  • Purple: Tiburtus or Rigard
  • Yellow: Wu Kong
  • Blue: Kiril, then resume Agwe if you don’t get anyone better
  • Green: finish Buddy, then work on Melendor or Caedmon
  • Red: Colen

Tiburtus and Caedmon are both offensive heroes, while Rigard and Melendor are both healers. Choose either Tiburtus and Melendor or Caedmon and Rigard to get the best balance. You eventually will want all of them done.

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Much appreciated people. On the upside, I just got Sartana and Magni. Now all I need really is a 5* Holy and my 5* team will be complete and waiting for training!

Well almost ready… I’d really like another 5* Fire…not too fond of the HotM :triumph:

Congratulations! I don’t have either, but from what I’ve read, both are considered among the best - if not the best - in their respective colors among 5-star classic heroes. I know they look great, but don’t hamstring yourself by leveling them too early. Get at least one reliable 4-star rainbow team up and going first, and even then, you’ll want to wait until you have close to enough materials to take them all the way through their final ascensions before you get started. (A good four-star team will help with that!) Both of them are heavy damage snipers, and they won’t be as effective as they should be until fully ascended.

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those two are great. I’d ascend Sartana when you get the 6 tabards.

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HOLY MOTHER OF GWENDOLYN!! Took me almost 6 months just to get 1 tabard! It’ll be so worth it though!