(UPDATED) 3 spots for great mid to advanced level Alliance! (Wanderlust)

UPDATED (8/19) Wanderlust - Midrange to advanced level players, fun and communicative group


2000 cup requirement

Several members moved to a “sister alliance” after this weekend’s war…basically we all decided that some of us wanted to be more casual and not worry about using all hits, etc. So although we are looking for 3 people, we are a low attrition bunch who have a lot of fun together. In summary, we are a communicative and friendly group with representation from around the world. Would describe ourselves as very competitive yet not quite a hard core alliance. We are usually hovering around 750 to 1000 in the global rankings.

If you are in a trainer or more casual alliance and looking for the next step of advancement and competitiveness - this is a perfect place for you. Clear and simple war strategy, lots of discussion re strategy, etc.

Currently farming 10* titans and about half of the alliance is competing in diamond.

Only a 2000 cup minimum, but you need at least one fully ascended team (4* and/or 5*) and a commitment to growing your bench depth.

Check out Wanderlust in game. Will update this thread once we have filled the spot! Feel free to hit me up on Line (TimRBoston) with any questions!


I’d be interested in joining. Play everyday, stay around 2100 cups, have 30 heroes above 500 power, a few maxed 4 stars and a couple 5 stars on last ascension. In game name dfly88.

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Great - I will double check we have the settings correct…just request to join!

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It is Valentine’s Day…we are still looking for one special someone…!

I am a newbie, but a fast learner!

Sorry ranger222…we just filled it! Good luck!

Looking for one! You won’t regret it!

are you still looking for recruits?

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Im looking for an active alliance? Have any openings?

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Hey all - still have one spot! Don’t make me spam global chat in-game!

Hey all - Updating this thread as we had a long time member retire. Come check us out before the next war! Feel free to hit me up in Line w any questions (TimRBoston)

Still have the spot open! Check us out before the next war!

UPDATE (7/2019) - See the edits to the original post…we have 4 spots atm. If you like the idea of being in a competitive but not-quite-hardcore alliance with people from around the world, this is it!

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UPDATE: August 2019 - see original edited post. Looking for 4 active members! If you are in a trainer or casual alliance want to take the next step from a competitive standpoint…this is a great place! Feel free to hit me up in Line (TimRBoston).

Come check us out :slight_smile:

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Made a few minor adjustments to the post…still actively looking for our main team!

Updated the main thread - only looking for 3 ATM. Check us out!

Updated! Come check us out before the next war!