Hi all, and thank you for reading.
Silver Sapiens is a new alliance of old players. Our alliance leader, as well as several elders became inactive.
We created a discord channel and a new Alliance. 2/3 of a very strong core used to battling 8* titans.
Here’s where you come in. Needless to say, we’re not challenged with the 1 & 2* Titans we’re being served. Our research has indicated the biggest driver to Titan strength is Alliance score, we need you to raise that for us!
What do we have to offer you?
A strong core group
A mature core group (Silver - older, Sapiens - Humans)
A dedicated leader
Several dedicated co-leaders
Our agreement to only hit the low level Titans once in the 1st 12 hours, to give everyone the opportunity (this will change once we’re back to 6* and above Titans)
We use discord, not required, but we’ve found it to be helpful
1400 cup minimum
Commitment to hit each Titan
Participate in wars or opt out
Feel free to come check us out! Search for Sapiens in Alliances, click on Silver Sapiens!
Leader - Silver Sapiens