Upcoming Q&A with Game Designers - Spring 2021 Edition (Questions)

What hero/event/thing do you think is well designed but the players don’t seem to have interest in or understand?

I’d also be curious if y’all went through the top ideas and gave your thoughts on them. Likely? Never? What you may do instead? If it’s easier you could take old examples of ideas that are now in the game and walk through how it went from player idea to in the game the way it is.

I’m also generally curious about Tim and Joel as people. Who are you? Background? How/why’d you get this job?

What feedback from beta players has been most helpful in making changes prior to full release?

How do you decide when ranking is done by top X number of players (monthly challenge events) versus percentage (weekly raid tournaments)?

Are there any player myths you’d like to clear up? Examples include: anything to do with RNG, war/raid/tournament match making, damage formula

What is/would be your war defense?

We appreciate the opportunity! Thank you!