Unread Ingame Chat Messages

Since a few weeks the ingame chat indicator for unread messages is not working correctly anymore. Before, the number counting the messages posted by alliance members while I was offline had always been correct. Now, most times I log on (which is quite frequently) I see that number indicating new chat contributions, though there actually aren’t any, or fewer than shown.

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Actually mine too but also I’m iOS and still crashing so I figured why even say… but I’ll back this up. Mine too!!

This is happening to me as well (android)

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It’s accurate for me, at least on iPad. I don’t play on phone often enough to be sure.

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It always comes up with 50 new notifications if I have quit the app, but there is something else weird going on also I feel? Last night I was at home and after 2 hours of my phone being asleep E&P lurched into action, connected to the play store and waited for me to do something. It worked. I quit the app and I went to bed.

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