United_evolution *free loot available to anyone that joins*

There’s spots for new players and experience players!

Everyone must hit the titan! We on 8*
No trophys needed
War is optional purple tank at this point.
Line app is available 30 days
Got a good team here! Come join us!

No matter your level and gonna be a Team player, is all we ask!

Good people who willl help you too get better! And we have a laugh aswell

Over 18 only

Free loot maybe a lie but you will get decent loot with us

My first and only Alliance!! great place to learn and grow!!!

Welcome ToddDammit! :wink:



Can deleted this! Got new people!


Closed per request of OP

Bump! :sunglasses:
Lettuce know if you want to join!
United_evolotion put that in alliance and say dude sent me here! :+1:

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