April 20, 2020, 3:12am
Hello everyone!
I am confused regarding the mana speed recovery emblem option.
If I decide to choose that path, do I need to use the Mana Troops in conjunction with my hero to make it work (which I don’t have yet) or can I use my current Critical Troops & will gain the attribute?
In another word, is the attribute added to the hero or the troops in use?
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April 20, 2020, 3:20am
Here is a breakdown I did explaining the Mana Mechanics from Troops / Class Bonus / Specials / Family Bonuses & how they interract:
Note, small error in that it is level 29-30 mana troop which gives +15% mana bonus
Chart Explanation:
Chart indicates the break points for mana troops.
Essentially the left side defines the base parameters…
How many tiles each speed mana needs to charge
What % mana boost the troops give
What % mana boost the class bonus gives
The middle calculates how much mana boost is needed to change the number of tiles needed to charge the mana speeds.
The right side aligns those mana boost requirements with the troops levels/ class node combinations.
Sources of Mana Boosting
The sources of mana boost are:
Mana troops (5% / 7% / 9% / 11% / 13% / 15%, level dependent)
Class node (2% or 4%, class depending)
Elemental link (4%)
Special skills (24% - Ariel, Khagan, Bauchen, Sir Lancelot, Danzaburo)
Pirates Family Bonus (2%/ 4%/ 7%/ 12%)
Wonderland Family Bonus (2%/ 4%/ 7%/ 12%)
Sakura Family Bonus (2%/ 4%/ 7%/ 12%)
Costume Bonus (Select S1 heroes only - 5%)
Average to Fast
Average Mana = 10 tiles to charge (normally)
Fast Mana = 8 tiles to charge (normally)
From the Chart, to go from 10 tiles to 8 tiles needs a 25% mana boost.
This can be achieved using any combination of mana boost which gets to 25% (or more).
So you can do it with:
Costume Bonus (5%) + Level 29 Mana Troop (15%) + Elemental Link (+4%) + Class Bonus (2%) = 26%
Costume Bonus (5%) + Special Skill Buff (+24%) = 29%
Useful Tool
A powerful tool which can be used to calculate your offence Mana Boost can be found here:
I created 2 calculators that can improve gameplay and have a better understanding of the mechanics of the game. 1.) HERO-TROOP PLANNER: This calculator will allow you to customize the hero specs (based on the level of the hero or emblem node), then pick the type and level of troop. It will then calculate the end result of your hero’s stats on the battlefield. You can also simulate “what if” scenarios if you are planning to level troops and apply it to your existing hero stats. It’s also helpf…
April 20, 2020, 3:23am
Thank you so much for your detailed reply!