Uh oh, I'm in trouble (Trying to get out of trouble, close matches, puzzles)

Lol. Unless they talked you to dead, you did :slight_smile:

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But also luck is on my side sometimes. Two turns to charge all my reds and victory by the turn after.


Yes but it wasn’t straightforward lol.

That moment when Magni set his sights set on Aegir… Muahahaha

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So how do you think this one worked out?

What would you have done.

Note: Kerridocs special has one turn left



Probly would have made the purple match at the bottom under the reds on the left

Which would set u up for a red/green combo at the top while also killing gormek

Then idk after that, would depend on chain of events. I think u won the match tho


I thought this thread was going to be about spending too much on E&P, failing to pay some bills, and having your significant other find out.


Sounds like you just lost all responsibilities in 1 shot and are officially a free man. That sounds like something to celebrate lol

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Hold my beer


@FrenziedEye I moved it so people looking to have fun could find it easier.

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would move the top left green to the corner which will send the red up and then pull the green behind it should kill them both with that one tile if not kelile only can kill one of them and you have next move to kill her. other move would be to run the green tiles into gormeck which should kill him if not do the first move I said next which sends to cascades and caedmon would have his special charged

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Would have used bottom purple tiles to kill Gormek then ghost vertical green tiles on the middle right to fire up Caedmon. Then things should be easily wrapped up by then depending who Kelile will kill.


Yeah purple match at bottom should kill Gormek. Then ghost the greens on the right to charge Caedmon. That’s a win.


@zephyr1 @IvyTheTerrible @rigs

Did I win or lose this one do you think… :joy::shushing_face::thinking:

What is my next move

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I say you win.

Make the green / purple match by swiping B4 & D4 (kills Tiburtus). Then after that pop the purple diamond in D3

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3Green+3Purple under Tiburtus and purple diamond next, Tiburtus and Sonya are the ones that will attack within 2 rounds, if you kill them Skittleskull wouldn’t be able to kill you within 2 autoattacks.

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Wow. Interesting scenario.

I’d be looking very closely at the attack debuff / defense down duration remaining, the DoT turns remaining, and the enemies’ hit points. You can survive 2/3 slash attacks with your minion up, depending on the attack down situation.

No great prospects to fire Buddy again so we need to focus on kills.

If Tiburtus will get DoT killed then yellows in column 7 are an option to just give no mana to anyone (on this turn or next).

I’d be very concerned about Sonya’s mana - she cannot fire. The purple diamond should take care of her after Tiburtus is out of the way.

If you stayed calm and managed it carefully I think this is a win.

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I’d pop that dragon bomb then likely the purple diamond. Tibs should drop due to the strength of double holy and the darks will fo significant damage elsewhere.

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@PooFlingerJr I did exactly what you said and won but it was still lucky in the end as three green tiles lined up like a sign from the heavens and killed Sonya

In hindsight I should have done the yellow match in the bottom right corner to allow the poison dot to sink in for one round before going gung ho on the dragon

Lol second guessing only leads to future hesitation! Go with your gut and damn the torpedoes!!