Hi, we are currently members of a great alliance but would like to visit to experience other alliances and maybe we can help out if you have someone going on holidays that will have less time to play. We hit 14* titans and use all flags, fully participate in war so would like to play at that level and we like to have a friendly chat, we are both English speaking. We have fully emblemed five star war teams with some LB and are happy to try different war strategies. We would love to come visit over the holiday season and promise to be good guests! Contact me on Line to discuss, wraithdownunder.
Hi there, Wraith. I’ve messaged you on Line, hope to hear from you.
Comes check us out in Misery Loves E&P.
I’m sure you’ll have a great time @Wraith.
A friend and I are doing the same thing, although we’re visiting friends’ alliances that I’ve made on my many E&P vacations from my home alliance. Not all are hitting 14* titans, I’ll send you a Line message - warning, they are such lovely people you might be enticed to stay longer .
Thanks Sarah, holiday season is all about traveling, I’ll bring the mince pies and white Christmas.
Hey Wraith, just sent you a message on Line =)
Hi @Wraith
Not sure if you’re looking for a permanent home or just looking to Temp someplace.
Either way, let myself or @littleKAF know if you’re potentially interested in the Seven Days family
Summary of 7D Alliances:
Our Discord: Seven Days Gaming
Our Forum thread: Join the Seven Days Family (Departed, Ascended, Hunting, Condemned, Reborn, Emerged & Uprising!)
Hiya, I’ve been chatting to him and math4lyfe from Crew Saders, got a few to visit, just temp visits, nice to get around and see how others play and say hi.
Apparently, @Guvnor didn’t read my discord message. That said, I don’t think I shared your name. More so info and to reach out to me.
That was like 3 whole days ago… I don’t remember yesterday let alone 2 more days before that…
Join BLOOD BRIGADE, we’re reliable active friendly group and we have 2 rare spots open , all war flags used no drama and we win 2/3 wars
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