Troops - Which troops do I keep?

Hello dear E&P friends, I want to thank all the heroes who helped with information to set this guide that explain how to choose which troops to keep when, First time having a barracks.
Those heroes are:
@_John_Doe @FraVit93 @RandaPanduh @Rigs @zephyr1 thank you guys.

■Barracks is the building that allows any player to level up his/her troops by feeding up other troop feeders.
■Barracks requires level10 Stronghold and level5 building (Forge).
■Barracks convert need a free builder.
□In Barracks you will see a (?) Sympol please press on it and you will see :unlock: please press this to turn into :lock: this is how you save your main troops from geting fed by a mistake, you will regret this rockie mistake if it was a 4☆ fed!

Back on Guide main core, Troops!
Troops are the little soldiers under yoir heroes
Troops power of attack is the power of each tile damage of each color on boards we get during map, titans or raids.
There are types of troops with different stats that affect heroes abilities by adding attack/defense accuracy or mana percente amount to the heroes.
There are troops with 1☆ 2☆ 3☆ 4☆
Usually 1☆ troops are all other troops feeders so don’t rellay on them and don’t bother your selves leveling them up.
2☆ troops are important for rare events and they are 2 types

This is a type that add more defence to the hero equiping it and it helps support heroes with heal\buff effects to survive during events or map runs.

This is the type of 2☆ troop that add more damage to every attacker hero equiping it and you use it on Snipers or Dot (damage over time) heroes.
●Both types of 2☆ troops can be used with any hero● dpends on your needs or the stage diffeculty.
And they are found in all the five colors.
You can farm 1☆\2☆ Troops on stages or claim in regular summons with free silver tokens.

3☆ Troops:

This type adds equal amount of damage and defence to the hero equiping it and (I might be wrong) best use of it on Wings for the supporting heroes of buffer/healers.

This type adds more defence to the hero equiping it and best use on Flanks with Supporting heroes like (Boril/Cyprain) those add counter attacks or the healers on flanks to survive the hits in this position.

This type adds more attack the hero equiping it and best work with Snipers on any position and (DOT)s on Center/Tank and Flanks.
3 types are found with all the 5 colors.
You can claim 3☆ troops in regular & epic troop summons (silver tokens) and (epic troop tokens).

4☆ Troops are the most rare troops in the game and the most powerful as well. They come in 2 types:

This is the troop that add most accuracy to the hero equiping it and it works greatly with Snipers and DOTs on any position in formation.
This is the second type of 4☆troops and it adds mana speed to the hero equiping it and usually used with Tanks with Very Slow/Slow/Average mana speed or healers or the DOTs of avrage mana speed on Wings.
You can not famr 4☆ troops but you can claim them by using Epic troop tokens/summons.

What does the stats on troops means?

  • Atk - certain damage:

    • this should be your go-to stat for heroes with damaging specials
    • can be increased with buffs
  • Def - direct damage mitigation:

    • an important stat to let heroes live longer
    • can be increased with buffs
  • HP - certain hit point:

    • an important stat to let heroes live longer
    • minions serves as a second HP pool
  • HP gen. - chance hit point:

    • improve healing values
    • depending on the frequency of healing it could be the go-to stat for tanks
  • Mana gen. - increased mana generation:

    • depending on troop’s level this could help with survivability and damage
  • Crit - chance damage

    • it gives the best while attacking, where hits are more frequent
    • crit buffs can only stack additionally, individually for every hero.
      This part been made by @FraVit93
      Thanks my friend.

Check also this nice link of @_John_Doe
📌 Boolz Guide - OneClick > QuickInfo - #4

Links will help in same subject:

Best wishes,
Have a great day.


Sure! What do you want help with?

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  • Best positions for every troop in formation.
  • Checking for any adds to it.
  • Check if I had any mistakes there I don’t wanna any conflex in new players minds.
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It might be worth linking to some of the existing guides too for cross-reference, like when you’re talking about troop stats you could add a link to Troop rosters and Troops summarized. There are some others around too that you’ve probably seen, though I can gather more links for specific things as needed.

I’m not sure about this, but it did remind me of this, which is worth looking through:


Add them … Thanks bro :blush:


Raid or war defense?

And troops for specific heros? Or most commonly used troops based overall?

In my mind it already seems like crit for tank and flanks, mana for wings would probly be best in raid defense. War defense would probably be better all mana due to crit troops increasing the point value of your team regardless of which heros you use.

That’s off the top of my head though without doin a big analysis on the topic

As far as which troops to keep, that’s a tough one.

I’d say at least 3 to 5 of each type in 4* troops

3* i just kept 5 in each color of the type that boosted attack the most

2* and 1* i dont plan on keeping any but doesnt mean that’s the right answer

As far as leveling, the only troops i have leveled are 4* and due to high demand of feeder troops and ham cost, i doubt i ever level anything lower

I wouldnt consider anything i just said as a “guide”. Just my personal perspective. I’m sure others have put more effort and thought into it than i have.


Agreed with @Rigs; I think crit troops on flank and tank heroes is best, with mana in the wings, but that’s just my personal opinion on it. Even in war, I’d have it set up that way (if I had the choice). Even if it makes me worth more points, it’s either I get another point or someone else does, so haven’t ever really seen the issue with that specific point unless you’re weak and your defense is pretty crap. If you’re one of the strongest, you should be trying to have your team worth more points so that some weaker member, that is easily beatable, doesn’t gain the point. Idk, maybe I’m missing something on that.

As for troop leveling, I’d only suggest leveling 4* troops unless you’re a big spender and can afford to max troops whenever. So if you’re missing a 4* troop in a certain color, hold your feeders til you get one. At least, that’s what I did. Have been able to take all of my 4* troops to level 11 in a few days after getting them from storing feeders. Took me about six months to collect a full set, but it’s worth it. You’ll never use 3* after that unless you’re doing intermediate, or stacking without enough 4* to replace.

Mana vs crit, if you have the choice, I’d personally be working on getting both up to an equal level; at least bringing mana troops to their necessary breakpoints and crit up to at least level 10. That’s about what I’m doing; bringing all troops to level 11, then stopping and holding feeders until I get the other version to feed til they’re at 11. Then it’s just switching back and forth from there; bringing mana to their necessary breakpoints, and crit just up so they’re stronger.

Crit troops for titans, and at least tank position (and preferrably flank). Mana for the breakpoints, on offense, and the wings.

As for what troops to keep, if you want to be very diligent, I’d keep a maximum of five troops per color per type. I actually keep five of each unique 2* - 4* troop. Although, if you’re not willing to hold onto that many, I’d keep at least five of all of the 4* troops, five of the attack + crit 3*, and five of the attack 2* troops (in each color). 2* would only be for if you participate in the beginning tier of challenge events, or else no point, and might as well eat em. The 3* and 4* ones I would always keep though.

So yeah, in short: Always keep at least five of the attack + crit 3* troops and each type of 4* troop. Keep attack 2* for beginner. Only level 4* troops. Use mana for the breakpoints and wings, or else crit for everything else.


my troop collection :wink:

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  • Atk - certain damage:
    • this should be your go-to stat for heroes with damaging specials
    • can be increased with buffs

  • Def - direct damage mitigation:
    • an important stat to let heroes live longer
    • can be increased with buffs

  • HP - certain hit point:
    • an important stat to let heroes live longer
    • minions serves as a second HP pool

  • HP gen. - chance hit point:
    • improve healing values
    • depending on the frequency of healing it could be the go-to stat for tanks

  • Mana gen. - increased mana generation:
    • depending on troop’s level this could help with survivability and damage

  • Crit - chance damage
    • it gives the best while attacking, where hits are more frequent
    • crit buffs can only stack additionally, individually for every hero

I usually assign my troops in this way:

  • would my hero have better chances to cast at least once with this troop? (any color)
  • would my hero1 bring me more benefits than hero2 with the same troop? (same color)

For example, If I were to pick a 3* troop for a Kiril in a tank’s position my choice would fall on the ravage archers, as they would increase Kiril’s strong points (great defense & healing) while dumping his weak attack…

while if I were to assign a 3* troop for a rear hero as Kelile I would choose the Barbaric Maulers, as she wouldn’t bring much benefits to my team with a higher survivability while she would be more useful with an increased firepower to take out opponents, helping the whole formation to survive.


This is looking great Jedon! Thanks for putting it together for everyone.

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@Rigs @RandaPanduh
Great, but I meant to see your great explanitions on which hero types. Does the mana Troops always work fine with any hero type in wings and doest the crit troops works with any hero types on tank and/or flanks?
This is the question!
Tho great information my friends :slight_smile:

This is a real gold here @FraVit93 :heart:

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Well it depends.

Mana troops over crit troops if you have them at the mana break point for a specific hero.

Level 11 mana troops for gm would be better choice than lvl 11 crit troops for example. Regardless of position. Level 17 mana troops for a slow mana hero like alberich.

Now if i have a hero with low defense that i want to use in flank or tank and i dont have a mana troop high enough for the mana break(hel for example needs a lvl 23) then i would give her my highest purple crit troop to raise her defense and health, plus increase her chance to crit which crit hits typically do more than an increased attack stat from mana troops.

At the end of the day, i typically just go with my highest leveled troops


I am trying … I am not good at this point , but our friends are helping me … they are the real heroes :heart:

I agree … ofc …
Thanks @Rigs :smiley:
So The break points for mana are;
Or lv11
Lv23? @Rigs

@_John_Doe has a link to a spreadsheet that puts the mana troop levels together with talents to show breakpoints

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Levels 1 & 23 for very slow
Level 11 for very fast
Level 17 for slow
Level 23 for average
Level 29 for fast

From my understanding

How !?
Lv 29 mana troop for Fast mana speed hero.
Lv17 mana troop for sliw mana speed hero.
How does the slow work better with lower mana troop ! Now I am confused @Rigs

It’s about the % gains per level. The slower the mana speed the smaller % gain it needs to speed up.

A slow car benefits more from a smaller turbo than a car that’s already fast would, if that makes sense.

You take a cheap turbo and throw it in a station wagon, you’ll notice a difference. You take the same turbo and throw it in a ferrari, it wont make a noticeable difference.

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