[Jan 23, 2019] Trials of Mysticism oh dear

Ready or not, here we go…

All healers again!!!



Anywhere Proteus can go, I’m happy.


You are lucky I guess…

I will have to manage with this lot.


Seems easy this time :blush:


I just realised I will be in serious trouble for trials of serenity. Underlevelled Justice, Chao, Sonya, Cyprian… Nothing else and no healers

I think I should speed level another Chao asap

(reconfiguring my TC20s now)


Jealous of your Zeline :joy:

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Sabina - Kiril - kashhrek - Skittles - Onatel (2-35)

Onatel did some good work on the second stage, though will pack bombs for #3 :slight_smile:

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Why would you level Chao for this trail?
You can use wizard and sorcerer.
Cyprian/paladin = paladin
Chao = ranger

*hands some coffee to @FrenziedEye

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Coffee for you, Good Sir Harry? :stuck_out_tongue:


*grabs the coffee and runs!

Nothing to see here move a long :slight_smile:


Sabina, Zeline, Hel, Natalia, Kiril. Used a couple of mana potions on my healers in the last round of the final tier, otherwise a clear run.
Not an optimum team for the colors, but effective enough when using ghosting to prep before finishing each level and the bosses can’t mana up.

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Onetel made this very easy

This one was over quickly… Would be nice if these trials were on everyday.


I ran out of energy i will have to wait till the morning



I had to do it with this. The baby Skittles didnt get far.
Got to final boss, carpet bombed 5 axes 5 dragons 4 bombs, and let the boys finish off the bosses.
Took about 20 minutes to get through to the final level.

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Nothing to worry about on this one for me.

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4 purples: Sartana, Quintus, Sabina, Balthazar. Only other colour is Kiril.
Now I’m waiting until I have 20 WE for the last stage.

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I was pondering trading in kashhy for balthazar, but was worried he was a bit squishy, since the only mana control I have is onatel. (and no big guns).

As much as it pains me to say it. If you are F2P or C2P and have not gotten lucky in pulling some Atlantis Wizards or Sorcerers (Proteus & Ameonna), you might have to pass on the 3rd level of the quest. I pulled it off using only 4-star classic heroes, but that was triple stacking Kirils, a Skittleskull and a Kashhrek. Even then I used so many minor healing and mana pots it felt like carpet bombing. Luckily the minor pots are cheap and I think the emblems are worth it. The revive scroll on the other hand…


Thank you for posting this, much appreciated!