I just maxxed out my Treevil, trying to decide the best emblem path. I’m also level breaking him. He and Grevle are actually the only heroes I have maxxed out, sadly, so I’m still trying to figure out how the emblems work. I plan on using him with Bauchan for most things to help out with how slow his mana is.
After looking at @ferg and @BlueHair…I’m thinking I had the right idea to go more defense than anything. I can’t wait to see how he and Bauchan work together once Bauchan is maxxed. I’ve been distributing my feeders to all of the ones I’m working on pretty evenly, so I don’t have a lot of experience on maxxed out heroes. If I’m understanding correctly, the emblem path is what each turn is?
Oh, I see - emblems aren’t really turn-based though.
Emblems themselves are the blue tokens. You use multiples of those to unlock nodes in the talent grid. Each grid has 20 levels. At several places in the grid, the paths branch. When you have a choice like this, once you make the choice you have to stay on that side of the grid until next time the two paths converge.
Each class gets its own unique grid, and once you start getting costumes, the base hero & costume have different grids (but always fill in with emblems of the base class). Both forms end up with the same node path.
The nodes themselves do one of several things - most increase a given stat - attack, defense or hp. When people talk about defense path or attack path, they’re talking about making particular choices at those decision points - picking the path with shield nodes for the defense path, for example.
A few of the nodes in each grid unlock the class talent - basically another passive skill. Rogues get a chance to dodge. Wizards get a chance to slow mana when they hit someone & so on. 1 node in each grid gives a boost to mana generation. Often (always?) there is one that increases chance to get a critical hit.
So, it’s less turn-based and more generally enhancing your hero. Does that help?
This is a great explanation. Thank you! I think I did right by Grevle, also then. I stayed on defense/health for him, as well. I don’t quite have the things to level break him, yet, though
I agree on def/hp path for grevle. Generally, that’s the path that you want for healers and support heroes. For heroes whose main role is to hit hard, you’ll generally want attack path. If you’re curious, here’s how I emblemed Grevle:
Hey, I know this is a few days old and you may have already emblemed him. But I just wanted to throw this out there in case you’re still in the fence.
I went full defense/health path on both my Treevils. They still hit incredibly hard. I think the main goal is to keep him alive because ultimately his ailments are what cripple the team, not his attack power. That said, his attack power is nasty as well. Good luck.