Trap Tools?

I can’t recall the completion reward for Epic in the Knights event. Anyone?

Compas/Tools. Legendary is Shield/Orb/Blade

Thanks! No 4* mats in those events probably. Unless you buy your way into the top 10 that is.

No event has 4* as completion reward. Although I think legendary should feature maybe one

Maybe a D. Blade or Tome rather than color specific? Good call. Those are hard as hell to finish sometimes.

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Where do I go to find trap tools

@littleKAF @DaveCozy @Rook @zephyr1


Merged, thanks! :heart_decoration:

@Wintergreensupreme this thread lists places you can get ascension materials:

@Redeye The Return to Morlovia seasonal event is on Halloween week and that has a guaranteed tabard and trap tool.

Believe me or not, but there will be a day when you’ll have surplus…

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